Separate HDG and ALT Sync selections


Apr 26, 2008
Any chance of separating the sync behavior selection for the ALT and HDG bugs, so that one could choose, for instance, "Never" for ALT, and "Upon AP Engagement" or "Upon Mode Engagement" for HDG?

After upgrading to 5.1.1, the ability to preselect a target altitude, then engage the AP and have it continue the climb or descent is a very nice feature. Makes it much nicer if engaging AP during a hand flown climb or go-around, and not have the AP try to level off immediately.

I did however, like the heading sync upon AP engagement or HDG mode selection, either to facilitate climbing or descending straight ahead while transitioning from hand flying to AP flying, or just as a quick way to sync the HDG bug if changing from NAV to HDG.

An alternative might be to add a HDG sync feature on the AP-74, say a push and hold of the HDG mode button, or push and hold of the value knob when in HDG mode (I don't think that exists now, but if it does, my apologies, and I'll get back in the manual!).

I concur with the new manual warning that says if you choose "Never" for bug sync behavior, you need to be aware of the position of the bugs before engaing the AP, and I guess I'm looking for a quick HDG sync without giving up the preselect feature of the ALT mode.

I know most R&D and SW development is geared towards Next Gen, and not being a programmer, I'm not sure how intensive such an addition would be, but thought I'd toss it out as an idea for 5.2, or whatever comes next for legacy EFIS/AP improvements.

Thanks, really enjoying the AP!!



Active Member
Apr 15, 2006
Winter Springs, FL
Hi Bob,

We did a lot of testing, changing, re testing, etc on this feature in the beta test program.  I know there was a huge amount of programming from the guys at Dynon to accomodate the changes we wanted.

My suggestion is this: set your AP74 to "upon mode engagement".  Then, if you want a quick heading sync before engaging the AP, just punch the hdg button twice and it will sync.  Although this sounds like a lot of button punching, really it works very well and seems to be a pretty good solution.

I hope that may solve your problem.

Rich Wilson
AP Beta Tester


Apr 26, 2008

Thanks for the reply, and sounds like "Team Beta" may have discussed this during development.

In reference to your recommendation, using the HDG button as you suggest is what I've done in pre-5.1.1 AP flying. Works just as you said, and is not much button smashing at all.

However, since the ALT and HDG bugs' behavior is tied together with respect to how/when they sync, selecting "Upon Mode Engagement" or "AP Engagement" in the menu results in the ALT bug also syncing to current altitude when you engage (as you know, of course). OK if you're level, but not so good if you engage when you are climbing or descending.

Guess in this case I'm wanting my cake and to be eating it too. :) I like the heading bug syncability as you describe, but want the AP to climb to my preset altitude without leveling off if I engage during a climb or following a missed approach. Of course, if I select "Never" for syncing, I'll preset the ALT bug, and can spin the HDG bug with the value knob till its on current heading (and I have it set to change HDG  first, without a push), and then engage the AP; but I was kinda looking for the best of both worlds...keep the heading sync, but lose the ALT sync and thus keep a true ALT pre-set. Thus my proposition to either separate the two bugs' behavior selections in the menus, or as an alternative (if the two cannot be separated), provide another way to sync the HDG bug if "Never" is selected.

Just some thoughts for added flexibility and continuing improvement of a great product. HDG sync is a nice feature, but so is a true preset for ALT, which a "Never" selection provides. Probably just being a typical pilot...wanting "it all".  ;)

Thanks for the feedback, and for the work you guys are doing in Beta Testing!
