Hi all-
New member to the forum but I decided some time ago that the FlightDEK D-180 is just what I need in my day/night VFR RV-7A. I expect that a lot of my flying w// be done w/ my wife in the right seat and she is just gonna want to see what's going on.
Has anyone entertained the idea of displaying the info from the D-180 on a separate screen mounted in the right side of the panel? I don't really want the expense of a second D-10A or -100 and I don't need the redundancy of a second EFIS. Given the low cost of small portable DVD players and their screens it would be nice if I could just mount a screen over there and display the data in two places.
Is this a decent idea or am I in left field? Is it even possible? Future Dynon Product?
Jim McChesney
RV-7A Finishing Kit
New member to the forum but I decided some time ago that the FlightDEK D-180 is just what I need in my day/night VFR RV-7A. I expect that a lot of my flying w// be done w/ my wife in the right seat and she is just gonna want to see what's going on.
Has anyone entertained the idea of displaying the info from the D-180 on a separate screen mounted in the right side of the panel? I don't really want the expense of a second D-10A or -100 and I don't need the redundancy of a second EFIS. Given the low cost of small portable DVD players and their screens it would be nice if I could just mount a screen over there and display the data in two places.
Is this a decent idea or am I in left field? Is it even possible? Future Dynon Product?
Jim McChesney
RV-7A Finishing Kit