Separate screen for D-180?


New Member
Jan 19, 2008
Hi all-

New member to the forum but I decided some time ago that the FlightDEK D-180 is just what I need in my day/night VFR RV-7A. I expect that a lot of my flying w// be done w/ my wife in the right seat and she is just gonna want to see what's going on.

Has anyone entertained the idea of displaying the info from the D-180 on a separate screen mounted in the right side of the panel? I don't really want the expense of a second D-10A or -100 and I don't need the redundancy of a second EFIS. Given the low cost of small portable DVD players and their screens it would be nice if I could just mount a screen over there and display the data in two places.

Is this a decent idea or am I in left field? Is it even possible? Future Dynon Product?

Jim McChesney
RV-7A Finishing Kit


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It's a decent idea, and one we have been asked about before (and will again, and again!).

First, there's no output on the D180 that would let you hook up a second screen. All the data inside the D180 is digital, and isn't in a form that looks anything like what a portable DVD player would want. The only output is a digital stream of parameters, so a second screen needs smarts in it to re-display it.

We've discussed making this as a product in the past, but we just can't do it for a price that makes sense. While you might be able to go to Costco and buy a DVD player with a 7" screen for $100, at our quantities, we can't even buy just a screen for that little (not at 400 or 800 nits for sure). Add in the power supply that is designed for aircraft use, a custom machined case, the microprocessor to drive the screen, and all the other bits, and you have a D120 ($2000). Sure, we could charge a few hundred less if it didn't have the EMS software in it, but we just don't think there is a big market for a $1500-$1700 second screen.

May I suggest that since you are already buying a D180, that you buy a D100 and a D120 instead? The D180 is $3200, but a D100 and D120 is $4400. While that is $1200 more, it gives you a full size second screen for the plane that you can display anything you want on. This is actually better than just a second repeater screen, since you can do full size EFIS on one and full size EMS (or EMS/HSI split) on the other.


New Member
Feb 21, 2006
FASY,Johannesburg,South Africa
To confirm what Dynon is saying, I have tried using a $150 dvd screen in my aircraft to display an efis-like image, but without success. The s-video interface may be fine for displaying a movie, the signal isn't sharp enough to display any form of text, or crisp lines that an efis requires. It needs a digital interface between the image generator and the lcd panel, and then the price jumps to a minimum of $500 just for the screen, and another $500-$700 just for a device that can generate the image. Then you still need a box etc...

I like the suggestion of buying separate devices - that really makes sense, as it will solve your problem completely, and some... And the additional cost is less than what you can build a second screen setup for.


New Member
Jan 19, 2008

Thanks for the thorough response. I figured the real answer was more invlolved than what I imagined. I have some time before I have to commit to a panel and the suggestions made are very helpful.

Thanks again.
