seperate EFIS and EMS vs Flightdek


I love flying!
Nov 24, 2011
I'm building a simple day/vfr Zenith CH750. Probably a C200 for power. Initially, I was planning on VFR flight and engine monitoring gauges (steam).

However, it probably makes sense to take advantage of technology and go glass. However, I like the presentation of traditional instruments.

Does it make sense to have a seperate small EFIS and EMS (EFIS-D6 and EMS-D10) or just buy a single FlightDEK-180?
Capabilities aside, I guess it's probably a matter of preference...

Thanks, Dan


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The FlightDEK-D180 has bigger display elements all-around. Most people looking for both flight instruments and engine instruments go that route.

Of course, having them in separate instruments, whether it's a D10A/D10 combo or a D100/D120 combo adds a bit of failure capability in that a single display failure won't take out all of your instruments, only the EFIS or EMS depending on the failure.

But as you say, it mostly comes down to personal preference.

I also think that many people, if they're thinking D10A/D10, end up at the D100/D120 combination if they have the panel space.