serial bus port


New Member
Feb 4, 2006
I am now programming my EFIS-D10 (built a Glasair, so everything I own is a generation old!) and have no serial ports on any available computer. I am using my son's old HP and tried to use a parallel to serial adapter but the computer can't see the D10. I am told to use a USB to serial adapter and the computer would see it. Is that the way to go with a PC. also, as I am a Mac person, can I assume the same with a Mac running Parallels or Bootcamp?

I need to put in the V speeds then calibrate the compass system. I don't care about updating software, if there is any.

thanks, Lory Ghertner


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
USB to Serial is the way to go to update your unit. I can't say I've ever heard of a parallel-serial converter, so there's a good chance that won't work.

Another option is to upgrade to the D10A- the V speeds and compass calibration doesn't require a laptop on the newer units.

Not sure we've ever heard of success or failure on a Mac, but using bootcamp on an Intel Mac and a USB-serial converter should work fine.