Skyview installation questions


New Member
Jun 13, 2009
My plan is to use two 7" SV displays on the Captain side and a separate D60 on the FO side as a backup.

I am using a Garmin 430W as the primary GPS and the DynonGPS as secondary.

I am also using the approach fast stack wiring hub system.

My first question is since I am using the Dynon gps as secondary to the Garmin, is is okay to just wire it to one (primary) screen or should I still wire it to both screens?

My second question is for backup batteries. I would like to get by with just two backup batteries. Would it make more sense to use the second one on the second SV screen or on the D60? (which is powered separately from the SV's)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Wire it to both screens anyway.

On the batteries - totally up to you. You basically will have 2 of three things stay alive. If you care about full SkyView functionality (with two screens available) in a failure, go with the SkyView battery. If you like the idea of having both types of systems available, go with the D60 battery.