Still working on that but my plan is to cut a couple of angle alum to span the middle longerons just aft of the baggage area and place the ADHRS centered on those angles. I've already fed the wiring and PITOT/STATIC/AOA so it shouldn't take too long. I really wanted to keep everything up front tight to the panel but the magnetic disturbances, as measured with a compass, would have made calibrating heading impossible. I'll send pics of all my pieces in a few days. Ken
Sorry, but you have the ADHARS backwards. The electrical connectors point aft while the Pitot, Static and AOA should point forward. From the photo, it looks like you have it reversed. Aside from that, you have a beautiful clean installation.
WHAT!!! grrrr I looked all through the install manual for an orientation depiction the only reference I could find was a comment about installing the pneumatic lines on the "back" of the ADHRS...
Luckily I plan for stuff like this and leave plenty of EXTRA wiring. Not looking forward to spending another hour in the hole however!!!
I think an arrow on the ADHRS would be a simple fix.
I feel your pain. Good planning on a bit of extra wire!
I see what you mean about the installation instructions, they really don't address the mounting orientation. Also, the notation to connect the pneumatic lines to the "back" of the module really is misleading. I'm sure Dynon will revise the manual to make it clear.
Thanks, Ken for the picture - I'm about to close up my -8A and needed a good pic with the bracket and orientation. I'm on my way now to Home Depot, Aviation Division for the aluminum bracket angle.
BTW, VERY nice work on, not only your Dynon installation, but the whole aircraft........