Skyview oil pressure reading 21 lbs high.


Aug 4, 2008
The Oil Pressure in our Skyview has started reading 21 lbs high in a linear way. With the engine off, it reads 21. I also have a mechanical gauge. When the engine is started, the skyview reads right at 21 above the mechanical gauge all the way up the scale. The mechanical appears to be correct based on past levels. I have the original sensor that came with the skyview when purchased in 2010.
I think I loaded updated EMS definitions at last annual.
I don't know much about the definitions.
1. Could an updated definition cause the skyview to display an higher than correct reading from an old sensor?
2. Has Dynon changed the sensors requiring an updated definition for newer units? Maybe to a different supplier or different spec.
3. If an updated definition is the problem, how can I change it back?

Has anyone out there seen a similar problem, or know how to correct it.

Thanks for any help you can give.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
1. Not unless you also made a change to the system configuration. That is, a particular sensor definition is durable. If the sensor changes or we introduce a new one, we create a new discrete definition for that sensor.
2. We've supersceded some sensors with others, but they'd have their own definitions that you'd need to choose from.

This is probably an issue with the sensor. But first, what is the sensor type set to? You can find that in SETUP MENU > EMS SETUP > SENSOR INPUT MAPPING.

If you do end up needing to replace the sensor, this is an example of one where we HAVE adopted a new sensor compared to the one that's probably on the aircraft currently.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
If its' the old VDO sending unit, both my oil and fuel pressure senderes started reading higher and higher (and non-zero when on the ground and shut down), so I ended up replacing them both (with VDOs, for now, until I feel like adding the wiring for kavlicos).

Frankly, from what I can glean, the VDOs just don't work well in an aircraft application. Is that what you have?