
New Member
Jul 5, 2020
Hello, I was just about stranded yesterday when my HDX display started freaking out on the way back home. All systems had worked fine previously from new to about 80 hours (new RV7) before the issue began.

The display will report an amber message "STANDBY NETWORK ERROR" and various modules failing (autopilot, knob panel, comm panel, EMS fail) and blanking of portions of the display (with the red X through the section), but only the left portion and bottom strip (Map was unaffected). The errors would come and go quickly (2-5 seconds) and sometimes work for 3-5 minutes and then start up again.

The only change in the aircraft status was that it was left outside over night and there was some light rain, but no water inside at all.

I landed short and ran the network diagnostic, and the error was listed under the main display and referenced Pins 4&8. I ran the setup/reacquire routine again hoping that the system would fix the modules, but no change in the errors.

Appendix A: Maintenance and Troubleshooting in the installation manual mentions that if the error is:
"... listed under a SkyView display listing in the network status page, that
means that the fault is seen on all devices connected to that display, and is likely due to a
connectivity issue at or very near the display in your SkyView Network wiring scheme."

Has anyone experienced anything like this? I'm not sure where to start looking.

Thanks in advance!


I love flying!
Oct 26, 2011
THis error rfeferes to the pins 4 & 8 of the Dynon network connection (two 9 pin connectors on the back of the display). This network has redundant data connections and the pins 4 & 8 are the redundant data interface Data 2B and Data 2A respectively. This error will be shown if the redundant data bus is not connected to all units in the system. Possibly pins in the 9-pin network connection are somewhere not making proper contact. It could be that somewhere in the network connection chain the indicated pins are not making a proper contact, possibly by the D-connector pins not being seated correctly or (partly) being pushed back


New Member
Jul 5, 2020
That's what I got from the manual as well. Now, only about 20 of those 9 pin junctions that could be at fault ... would love to narrow down the location.


I love flying!
Oct 26, 2011
You might be able to deduce this by knowing your specific network configuration (i.e. what is the chain of the different devices connected to the Dynon network connection) and the units that the display can't connect to anymore. This is difficult if the loss of functions is not hard, but for instance see multiple functions being lost then the loss of connection must have happened upstream in the network connections


New Member
Aug 22, 2020
Hello, I was just about stranded yesterday when my HDX display started freaking out on the way back home. All systems had worked fine previously from new to about 80 hours (new RV7) before the issue began.

The display will report an amber message "STANDBY NETWORK ERROR" and various modules failing (autopilot, knob panel, comm panel, EMS fail) and blanking of portions of the display (with the red X through the section), but only the left portion and bottom strip (Map was unaffected). The errors would come and go quickly (2-5 seconds) and sometimes work for 3-5 minutes and then start up again.

The only change in the aircraft status was that it was left outside over night and there was some light rain, but no water inside at all.

I landed short and ran the network diagnostic, and the error was listed under the main display and referenced Pins 4&8. I ran the setup/reacquire routine again hoping that the system would fix the modules, but no change in the errors.

Appendix A: Maintenance and Troubleshooting in the installation manual mentions that if the error is:
"... listed under a SkyView display listing in the network status page, that
means that the fault is seen on all devices connected to that display, and is likely due to a
connectivity issue at or very near the display in your SkyView Network wiring scheme."

Has anyone experienced anything like this? I'm not sure where to start looking.

Thanks in advance!
I’ve had almost the exact same thing happen twice with my dual 10’ HDX system in my RV 10. The first occurrence was about 60 hours after installation and four hours into a cross-country flight where I had started in and been in some rain. The second occurrence was last night and my plane (now with 200hrs) was parked outside in heavy rain and the network failure started on the ground. I’ve never noticed any leaks or water inside the cockpit. After the first occurrence I tested all the pins and checked the wiring of the connectors and the only thing I found was a D connector attachment screw that was VERY slightly loose. After putting everything back together the plane has flown fine until last night. I am about to go check out the connectors again. Now I feel it must have something to do with moisture and rain. However I had no trouble in Florida where I spent several weeks with the plane parked outside and also several weeks in Michigan on a separate trip.My plane spends 99.99% of its life inside a dry hanger in Arizona. I also believe there is more to the failure than just the redundant network failure due to the fact that some of the primary systems momentarily fail. If it’s a back up network why isn’t the primary network working smoothly?

Bill, please keep me updated with whatever you find and I’ll do the same.



Active Member
Aug 22, 2007
Yep - had the same problem. For me it was an intermittent ADAHRS backup network error. This made it simple, either the connector at the panel or the one at the ADAHRS modules was the issue. I found the connector at the panel had a bad pin by making a jumper out of a mail pin to ring out the cable. The bad female pin was fully seated, just lost it’s grip on the mail pin. This happened at ~150 hours or so on the plane. Replaced the connector and all is well.

If you don’t know how your network components are connected, use this as opportunity to fully document what you have.



New Member
Jul 5, 2020
Thanks for your stories. I agree with you Dan when you ask why if this is a backup network, the main display fails? I spent part of the day today doing some checking of connections, but not getting into the "loose pin" level just yet. When I fired up the system everything was perfect, no message, nothing. Jiggled some wires hoping to induce an issue, nothin'. Like I said before, every system seemed to fail one or more at a time, so narrowing it down may prove difficult. So I'll take her up tomorrow and see what happens...


New Member
Aug 22, 2020
I checked the D connectors today but as I suspected, things worked perfectly. I jiggled them as well then went for a test flight and everything was golden. The error message didn’t even appear when turning on the avionics first thing. After having checked the pins last time and finding nothing then having no issues for over 100 hrs of flight, I now strongly suspect this is a moisture/humidity issue because the rain is the only constant. Also like you, Bill, various modules failed for seconds at a time then would work for minutes (up to about 45 during my first episode), then would fail again. If wires or pins were so loose or failing, why would the system work fine the very next day and for the next 100 hours.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
It's a trick to make you practice your partial panel skills.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
Because that's what "intermittent" means :). Keep looking until you know *for sure* what the cause is.


New Member
Jul 5, 2020
Well, just like in Dan's system, I flew the next day and a couple of times since, no issues. So there ya go. The world of digitally connected stuff ... reminds me of he CAN buss on my Jetta. All is well until it's not.
Press on


New Member
Jan 26, 2020
Hunter Valley NSW Australia
G'day guys

I've been having these issues with my HDX800 screens for considerable time. After reading comments here I've tried inspecting 9 pin plugs for dodgy pin placement & used a contact cleaner/enhancer on the plugs with limited improvement.
I always get network standby error failure after take off at around 2,000', never on the ground during warm up/run ups & it doesn't go away until I turn the panels off. The screens get random intermittent black outs with red X for anything between half a second to occasionally 30 seconds or so with either ADAHRS or EMS or both Fail.
Has anyone actually solved this issue?


New Member
Jul 5, 2020
My system has been solid since that one incident, and the only constant is the fact that I've not left her overnight out in the rain... wish I had more to add.. Good luck down there!
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