SL30 to EFIS D100 wiring


New Member
Sep 21, 2006
Reigate, UK
I have an EFIS D100, D10A and Garmin SL30. I plan to add a Garmin 496 or similar when closer to flying. No HS34 and no room in the panel. Page 3-6 of the Oct 2007 installation manual covers this case.

I'm not clear about wiring the EFIS serial connections to the SL30. The Dynon manual says "connect the SL30 to pin 22 on the EFIS B25 connector. Is this the only connection to make to the SL30, and if so, which pin does it go to? The SL30 manual lists RxD1 as pin 4 and TxD1 as pin 5. Do I need to connect the two serial grounds (pin 3 on the SL30).

The SL30 manual shows screened cables for serial connections between SL30 and Apollo GX50/60 (old GPS units).

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The serial connection on the harness that came with the EFIS isn't screened, and is in a nylon braid. Should I remove these wires from the DB25 and run screen the connection to the SL30, and if so, are there any recommendations about grounding at either end.

Thanks in advance for the advice.
Chris Skelt.