So you have an electronic checklist now and that is good however why not go to the next level and make it a smart electronic checklist?
So let's say the EMS has an input for electric fuel pump, beacon light, and the strobe light. If the switches have already been pushed to the ON position and the EMS senses that those switches have already been turned on then why not have the electronic checklist line item for each change from white to Green?
This way if a pilot does a flow and catches all of the items and then looks over at the checklistand it has already been completely green then the pilot knows all of the items have been done and checked. You might end up developing an EMS box that just has a bunch of inputs and no EGT or CHT and now you have another product to sell
So let's say the EMS has an input for electric fuel pump, beacon light, and the strobe light. If the switches have already been pushed to the ON position and the EMS senses that those switches have already been turned on then why not have the electronic checklist line item for each change from white to Green?
This way if a pilot does a flow and catches all of the items and then looks over at the checklistand it has already been completely green then the pilot knows all of the items have been done and checked. You might end up developing an EMS box that just has a bunch of inputs and no EGT or CHT and now you have another product to sell