Software Mod/Update Recommendation


New Member
Oct 7, 2009
I'm still learning my D180, but have a comment and/or recommendation.

Normally I like to fly with OAT,DA, and TAS displayed on the right side as an info item. I have no left info display as the CDI+GS precludes this.

I can see where during an instrument approach the ideal set-up would be 2/3 EFIS/HSI displayed. However, that takes away engine power settings. This means that during a pending instrument approach you would want to change the display info to MP/RPM prior to beginning the approach, as power settings are necessary during a stabilized approach..

Those of us that fly instruments know that anything that decreases workload is wonderful.

Is there any way that the software could be configured so you could set it up to AUTOMATICALLY display MP/RPM on the right side when the HSI page is selected? That would help a great deal. Perhaps there is another method I have yet "thunk up"?
