SportCruiser Installation


New Member
Jun 28, 2009
I installed the Dynon AP in my Sportcruiser. I am using the D10a with two SV32 servos and a 296. No AP74 Unit.

The system works brilliant. No puitch or roll hunting and best of all everything worked 100% first time. I did not even need to make any adjustments. Both servos fit behind the seat and access is relatively easy.

I have tried it in TRK, HDG and NAV mode. Yesterday I did a long flight of three hours with many waypoints to test, the AP worked just fine even in relatively bumpy conditions.

What I forgot to check was what happens when the route is finished and the AP crosses over the last active waypoint. Will the aircraft just circle the last waypoint?

Job well done Dynon. Recommending it to all my mates.



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
If the GPS holds the waypoint, it'll just continue trying to get to it. Since you're so close, it'll sort of kind of circle/home continuously. If it gives up the waypoint, the AP will drop down to GPS TRK mode.