Stien Air Harness - remote mag lead


Hugh Tyler(Guest)

The directions for the StienAir harness state (in bold) "Do not attempt to power up the Dynon unit without the remote magnetic sensor lead wires installed in the connector"

The Dynon directions state that only power, ground and the computer cable need to be installed (for a minimum installation).

The Dynon directions seem to contradict the StienAir directions. I hope I do not have to use the remote compass and that is how I plan to proceed with my installation.

Do I need to start gutting my StienAir harness? Please advise. Thank you


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005

Our install guide assumes that you are building up your own harness. This indeed gives you the option to omit some wires if you do not need them. The remote compass is an example of this.

However, though Stein's harness has connections that go to the optional remote compass, you do not need to use them if you do not have the compass. Note that the next line of Stein's bold advice reads "Shorting of these wires can and will cause damage to the Dynon unit". He is correctly pointing out that if the wires that he provides to the remote compass are not connected, and the resulting loose ends touch, the EFIS can be damaged. There are a few ways you can address this if you do not have the remote compass. First, you can seal off the exposed ends with some insulative material and store them behind the panel. Second, you could remove the wires entirely using the pin extractor tool that Stein provides (this would require some work on the connector behind the housing). Third, you could simply connect the included 9 pin connector, which would in turn prevent the wires from touching each other.