sv 320 battery


I love flying!
Nov 11, 2016
My D1000 indicated test battery.  I shut down and rolled back into the hanger.  In turning unit back on, the logo screen came up, and faded as normal.  It then started it's normal printed cycle, but stopped about half way with, "could not initiate USB riot port shutting down".  It then cycle the above over and over.    I could not get away from that screen.
Next day system came up normal.  I charged the SV 320 for four hours, then hit battery test.   "Fail" and indicate 10.2 volts. 
I assume I need a new 320 battery, but am wondering if the "initiate USB" message indicated I have a different problem before putting out the bucks for the 320.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
The USB message doesn't have anything to do with the battery, although the message itself doesn't indicate a problem. The cycling may though. Give our technical support team a call at 425-402-0433.

As for the battery - did the battery test start at all? Or did it fail immediately? It could have been the case that the battery wasn't actually fully charged when you started the test. How did you charge it?