SV-COM-425 Radio Issue


New Member
Jun 10, 2005
I have a Skyview Classic, SV-Intercom-2S and two SV-COM-425 radios in an RV-8 with 92 hours total time. The two radios can be switched via a toggle switch on my control grip and wired as per the Dynon install manual. I use COM1 99% of the time and Com2 mainly for air-to-air communication. I estimate Com2 has maybe 2 hours of use in total. Last week I was flying formation using COM2 and I started developing broken communications during both transmitting and receiving. Two days later I flew again and I could not transmit or receive on COM2 at all. There was nothing but silence, no static or anything, however when I pressed the PTT button, the RX symbol showed up on the Skyview top bar, not the TX. I flew yesterday and again I get nothing with COM2, not even the RX on the top bar when pressing the PTT this time. The SV-COM-PANEL display for COM2 seems to be working fine. Com1 works fine with no issues. Today I checked all the COM2 connections, coax cable and antennae and all seems to be fine. The COM2 radio is also showing on the Dynon Network configuration in setup with no errors.

Reading prior posts it seems Dynon has had issues with the -425 radios. Anyone experience anything like I what I am describing? Thank you in advance for any insight.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
Try swapping the radios. This will help narrow things down a lot.