While flying the other day my panel went crazy! It started with a message that the ADS-B was offline so I reset the circuit breaker then all hell broke loose! Messages, cautions, red x's, engine warnings, 0 rpms, AP had been on, it turned off then wouldn't turn on again. Constant audible messages and then...it stopped. Both of my SV Touch units have been rebuilt and the AP module has been replaced. Not terribly happy with Dynon Avionics at the moment. Waiting to hear from them to see what they can/will do. Has anybody on this forum had this experience before? I've had avionics issues off and on for the last 15 months, before that, no problems, now it seems nothing they do works for very long. Flew behind a G1000 for a number of years with no issues whatsoever.
Our plane is a 2016 Sport Cruiser, have owned it since 10/2016.
Our plane is a 2016 Sport Cruiser, have owned it since 10/2016.