Definitely something is up with the latest. I used to never see my screens reboot after making a database upgrade, yet it has done it everytime since I upgraded to 13.0. I once had my 700 reboot in flight, but hasnt happened since.
As far as criticality, a screen should never reboot in flight and a patch should be released to resolve whatever the issue is, along with a few other fixes (terr alert). If I had both my screens fail at the same time I would consider that a red X and no further flight until resolved. I have 3 levels of redundancy but that is for emergencies should 1 screen fail, I have a backup with battery, but if there is an issue that 2nd screen shuts down while landing that could be a problem and safety issue for most folks. I do have a D1 however, so I could land safely, but not something I would want to count on knowing on the ground that I had a display issue.
As you stated, my confidence in Dynon is very high that they are evaluating the issue and will respond with status when they get it. Always the honest feedback and they will do what is needed, when they believe it is required.