System Event 3


New Member
Apr 12, 2023
I am starting a new thread. I have two 10” skyviews about 13 years old. The first one is a first generation of Classic, the second one is a Touch screen, a few year after I traded in one of the classic to the Touch.
Over the last couple of years, both screens have turned black and rebooted themselves within 60 seconds in flight, mostly during takeoffs. I downloaded the diagnostic files and sent to Dynon. I have not gotten a definitive answer. They did recommend changing new memory sticks and downloading new Seattle Avionics data, plugging the sticks directly into the back of the screens. I tried them but the events still happen. It’s no good if I takeoff in the IMC and the screens become dark. The autopilot doesn’t work while rebooting. It’s a safety hazard. I am hoping Dynon comes up some solutions.
I intend to install an independent D3, maybe wait a little longer for their newer version. However, those events have shaken my confidence on Dynon’s hardware and software, even though I have enjoyed Dynon for over a decade. A simple independent Garmin G5 ($1500) is a strong contender.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
I would recommend you pull at least one of the Skyviews out and send it back to let them look at it on the bench. They will get to the bottom of the issue there.

Let me suggest you consider the GRT Mini X (as opposed to the G5) as a backup for your Dynon. They work together quite well whereas the G5 will require additional Garmin devices to interface. That is the setup I have in both planes. The ADSB radar depiction is better on the Dynon but the traffic and textual weather interface on the GRT is vastly superior to the Dynon and can be fed industry standard GDL90 protocol. I send it from my Echo UAT. I even have my GRT control a remote transponder to save panel space. I can provide more detail if needed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
Before doing anything else, I would recommend you *contact Dynon* either by email or phone.


New Member
Apr 12, 2023
Thank you guys. I have called, emailed and sent the diagnostic files from both displays. I think it’s most likely a software issue. I suggested that there might be something they can do to prevent both displays going dark at the same time (I even disconnected the cable that links the two displays). That defeats the purpose of redundancy of having two displays.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
Did you read the manuals and the relevant sections re: System Events and how to access info on them via the menus? You stated it's a System Event 3. What did the display show you for info on that event?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
It doesn't really tell you anything useful. System Event 3 means there was an error that caused the system to reboot. In the past, this has sometimes been caused by USB devices, such as memory sticks or wifi modules, and often follows a database or software update.


New Member
Apr 12, 2023
After each reboot, they did show System Event 3 on each screen. The memory sticks are new, the firmware, Seattle Avionics data are all up to date.
I flipped through the 580 page manual in a pdf file, I did not see the definition of System Event 3. However, it did say that it is not an emergency and the airplane is still airworthy. I downloaded the diagnostic files from both displays and sent them to Dynon again. It happened a few dozen times in the last couple of years. It doesn’t happen on each flight though. However, it seems happening more often lately. I am getting used to it already (desensitized the risks). That’s why I am going to install an independent EFIS, from one of the manufacturers.


Active Member
Apr 1, 2021
Re your choice of independent EFIS: If you are thinking in terms of what most call an SAI (standby attitude indicator) there are plenty of compact choices. Also, I suspect when you say 'EFIS' you are referring to an electronic screen with attitude and basic pitot static information that has its own back up battery. I'd advocate to choose one from a company other than Dynon, simply because that puts you into an entirely removed software ecosystem - call it a belt and suspenders mindset, with the belt manufactured by a different company than the suspenders. The chosen unit having the ability to display course guidance from your IFR navigator and/or your VHF NAV is a capability you'll have to decide whether or not is important for your needs.

As a bottom line, though, ANY airplane flown IFR using an integrated glass cockpit multi screen system ( Dynon, the big 'G', whatever) should have a totally independent way to keep the right side up and, preferably, tune comms of some sort in the event of the main system crashing. Your difficulties are a prime example of case in point. I'll be very interested to see how (if ??) Dynon actually succeeds in helping you pinpoint and resolve the underlying problem. Good luck!



New Member
Apr 12, 2023
Garmin G5 is my primary consideration, Although a preview of the newer version of Dynon D3 is pretty impressive. Both of them fit in my limited real estate on my panel. I will pick one in the fall.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
I'm partial to the AV-30-E, which is considerably less expensive than the G5. The D3 is even half the cost of the AV-30 though, so evaluate what you really need for backup capability. If the D3 fits that criteria, it's the best bang for the buck. And it's totally isolated from your Skyview system, so a Skyview failure can't affect it.

EDIT: And a D3 installation couldn't be more simple.