Tail Number change


New Member
May 8, 2011
Pattaya Thailand
My factory installed skyview was delivered with the tail number configured as "ctls", as the registration was not known at time of import. After upgrading to version 3 I changed the tail number to "hs-fer" before importing the jeppesen databases. Now the message bar shows a "tail number" message on start up, and it will not clear. All other functionality appears to be ok.

How do I change the registered tail number without fouling up everything else?

Also, is it correct that the nav software will not find or allow selection of a waypoint more than 30? nm distant or #15 on the nearest list?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It sounds like you may have set the tail number on only one display. The tail numbers on both displays need to be set. But, since they've been out of sync for a while, but the best way to fix this is in the following way, to ensure that all of your settings are correctly synchronized:

Set the tail number on the display that you HAVEN'T already touched to DYNON. From the display that you've already changed to the actual tail number, do a network configuration. That will cause the "DYNON" display to assume the other display's tail number and will sync the settings correctly.

The nav software should allow you to select far away waypoints, but only the closest 20 are displayed on the nearest list.