The more I fly, the more I love my D100/AP74, BUT-


New Member
May 7, 2007
McAllen, TX
- BUT, I have a request on which I really feel the need to insist.

I really enjoy the performance of the AP!
It continues to amaze me how accurately it follows the GPS (I'm used to monitor for NAV SOURCE LOST messages ;) )

Here my request:
Why not, in the next firmware release, make it possible to configure a climb at a given HORIZONTAL speed (ASI)?

The same for a descent, BUT make it possible to have a different speed from that for climbing.

For example:
- I want to climb at a speed 80 kt, and I don't care if the resulting VSI is 200, 500 or 800 fpm
- But for my descents, I'd like a ASI of 110 kt, no matter what the VSI would be OR, maybe for my descents I'd like to have a 500 fpm VSI.

I mean, all these is software, and you know better than me that it's possible to achieve.

Right now, I have configured a 400 fpm in my AP, which is very easy to get sometimes, but on really hot days, like the ones we have in south Texas, the plane has a hard time trying to get it and continually giving messages of "LOW SPEED ADD POWER".

Besides, why do I have to have the same VSI for climbing AND for descending?
I think it should be possible to have different ones.

I know you're very busy with the SkyView, but, c'mon, what I'm asking would also be very useful for the new product, wouldn't it?

Please give me hope on this.

Other than that, I really enjoy and love my D100/AP74.

By the way, at Oshkosh last July, I had the oprtunity to talk to the guys of Flight Design's CT.
They're using a combination of D100 EFIS / Truetrack Auto Pilot.
I spent a good 30 minutes telling them how well your AP works, trying to convince them to switch from Truetrack to Dynon next time.

Have a nice day!!! :)


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: The more I fly, the more I love my D100/AP74,

We continue to evaluate features like these. No promises, because we haven't made any decisions, but we'll keep improving the AP on both generations as we've previously stated.