Time requied for display of contact sensor


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
I was thinking about tying one of the contact sensors to the pulse feature of my landing light so that I could tell it was on since the switch is a Push On/ Push Off toggle on the stick. The contact could sense voltage essentially above zero but since the light would be pulsing, would the sensor report it being on?


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
I assume you want to read the voltage going to the landing light bulb itself, and you don't have a voltage anywhere that you know of that just goes DC high or low when the lights are on or off?

If that is true, I think you can get what you want, but you need to mess with the sensor file.

The sensor file has the ability to add filtering and the EMS samples at 16Hz. So if your lights go on and off every second, and you add a 4 second filter, you should have a output that is pretty stable around 2.5V when they are on, but still zero when they are off. If you set your contact to be "on" at more than 0.5V or so, I think it might work. Note that it will take a few seconds after turning on or off to see the effect on the EMS since you need to wait for the filter to react.

Make sense, or do you need some more help?


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
If adding the filter is in the installation manual I will look for it and edit the file. If I need instructions on how to edit the sensor file, point me in the right direction. I assume I can set a filter for that sensor alone without affecting other sensors. True?