Transponder questions-ADSB


New Member
May 12, 2007
fort myers, florida
I currently have an onboard ADSB receiver (Skyradar). Traffic info is unreliable due to the need for an ADSB out signal to awaken ATC.
The two transponder modules would appear to meet this need if they could be hooked to a GPS. According to the Skyview install manual this hookup is not yet available awaiting some software after the FAA sets forth their mandate (which has now happened).
Some questions:
Is that software forthcoming now?
Will the lower powered transponder module and SV250 work to awaken the ATC traffic function even though it may not meet the mandate?
I'm currently receiving my ADSB weather and traffic info on IPAD--will it be displayable on Skyview (like TIS-A)?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
So the deal is that the ADS-B out function of the transponder needs to be paired with a certified GPS in order to meet the 2020 FAA equipage mandate.

However, until then, you can broadcast a lower integrity position signal and that will wake up the system and send you the TIS-B traffic "hockey puck" around you and the FIS-B weather.

SkyView automatically sends out it's "low integrity" (as far as the FAA concerned) signal automatically, even without connecting anything to the dedicated GPS serial input line on the transponder. That input is earmarked for a certified position source, but that input is not supported in software yet.

So basically yes: A SkyView plus the SV-GPS-250 will wake up the ADS-B system (until the FAA decides otherwise, which we have no reason to believe is going to happen anytime soon).

We'll be thinking about how we'll be able to best get ADS-B TIS-B/FIS-B data into SkyView soon. For now, though, we don't have any news on device or format compatibility.


New Member
May 12, 2007
fort myers, florida
Great!! thx much..One last question. Was the software updated to Do260B as per this thread ( I'm told I would need that to receive traffic on a 978 UAT device.  I do not see that any of the Skyview software updates from 3.0 on did this. Is it a software update within the transponder itself and how would I know if it's been done when buying one?? thx


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The transponder's software hasn't yet been updated to meet the latest ADS-B spec. SkyView administers the software updates to the transponder, so you'll see that noted in the release notes for the version in which it makes it.

I believe, but am not 100% certain (our resident ADS-B expert isn't in the building today) that even with the current ADS-B output from the transponder should wake up the ground stations and cause the traffic and wx to be sent back out.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
even with the current ADS-B output from the transponder should wake up the ground stations and cause the traffic and wx to be sent back out.

Where is the weather displayed? There is a great deal of information available on ADSB including winds, METAR, TAF, NOTAMS etc. I am hopeful this will all be able to be displayed on the Skyview but did not think anything but traffic was currently shown. Does this other information display now? If not, is it on the planned features list?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
It's not yet. Today, our transponder has the ability to send ADS-B out. Weather is at the top of the list of the next major features that we'll be working on.


New Member
May 12, 2007
fort myers, florida
The transponder's software hasn't yet been updated to meet the latest ADS-B spec. SkyView administers the software updates to the transponder, so you'll see that noted in the release notes for the version in which it makes it.

I believe, but am not 100% certain (our resident ADS-B expert isn't in the building today) that even with the current ADS-B output from the transponder should wake up the ground stations and cause the traffic and wx to be sent back out.

I was told by the developer of Skyradar that the new update was necessary or the woken up ground station would not show up on a 978 only device. The note from Dynon on the forum that you would be updating the transponder software was dated last August. Unfortunately, that does not give me a lot of confidence in purchasing a transponder module to get traffic in the near term. Guess I'm going to delay this purchase in case another method/product comes along before the software update.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I understand your frustration here, and after discussing within our team here we think you're right about needing the update to have the 1090ES out signal (our xponder) trigger the stations to send the TIS-B and FIS-B info back out on the UAT side.

The main barrier here is that unlike our other products, the transponder module is TSO'd (certified), and so this makes even software updates like this a bit slow in coming. We're going to look into what the state of that update is, as the certified software is not produced in-house.