I love flying!
One of the columns in the Dynon User Data Log file is "Transponder Status". What is the definition of the various transponder status codes, in particular "1" and "3"?
First off I don't know what those numeric codes stand for. However, I don't think your guess is correct. I have several copies of data logs where the code switches from 1 to 3 to 1, all while the plane is in the air.0-3. 0=SBY, 1= GND, 2=ON, 3=ALT ???
If it is an ADS-B unit it is supposed to be on Auto, so that it reports on the ground when you are not in the air.Agree mine is on ALT all the time and it shows 3. Never see 1 or 2 0 is off
IF you have a Mode C transponder, what you quote is correct. IF you have a Dynon Skyview system with a Dynon transponder, it is Mode S and ADS-B combined and it must be in the AUTO position. The ALT position falsely reports you in the air when you are in fact on the ground. All ADS-B systems are supposed to be set so that they automatically switch between airborne and ground modes automatically, whether that is with a squat switch on the landing gear or an air/data algorithm, which Dynon uses. I was stating what is correct for the Dynon transponder usage..should always be on Auto unless otherwise directed by ATC. The Auto position automatically reports altitude and whether airborne or not, it is more information than the Alt position gives.Specifically for the US
Here is the current guidance from the AIM paragraph 4-1-20 (a)(3):
Transponder and ADS-B operations on the ground. Civil and military aircraft should operate with the transponder in the altitude reporting mode (consult the aircraft’s flight manual to determine the specific transponder position to enable altitude reporting) and ADS-B Out transmissions enabled (if equipped) at all airports, any time the aircraft is positioned on any portion of an airport movement area. This includes all defined taxiways and runways....
also SAFO 15006- https://www.faa.gov/other_visit/avi...afety/safo/all_safos/media/2015/SAFO15006.pdf
Purpose: This SAFO advises all operators and pilots of the need to ensure that transponders are in the
altitude reporting mode whenever their aircraft is on an airport movement area at all airports.”
I personally leave my transponder on and in the ALT mode at all times.
AUTOMATIC (AIR DATA): The SV-XPNDR-261/262 automatically determines whether the aircraft is in flight or not by using a combination of GPS and air data changes from SkyView. Note that this option only works with SV-XPNDR-261/262 Software 2.02 or above. See SV-XPNDR-261/262 Software Updates below for more information about updating the SV-XPNDR-261/262 Software. This is the option that most SkyView systems should use unless they are required to use a Squat Switch.
NMEA does not apply, need elaboration on the 'protocol'. FYI - there is only serial data to/from the Txpndr for control from the Dynon & Gps (in the IFR environment) position input etc for ADSB out.For registration I have been asked what is the Protocol for the Dynon 262; Is it NMEA?
Not sure I follow - where are you seeing that?For registration I have been asked what is the Protocol for the Dynon 262; Is it NMEA?