New Member
I recently bought a new Ultralight high-wing plane with a Rotax 912 engine (100hp). I also bought the Dynon EFIS 100 and EMS 120 combo. Between the two is a Garmin 327 transponder, Icom 210 radio, and Garmin 495 GPS (we don't have XM in South America). I also got 2.25" Uma guages for RPM and airspeed. See attached photo.
I see in the product photos and manuals that the Dynon EMS can display trim and flap position. I asked the salesrep at Aircraft Spruce (where I bought my avionics) how the Dynon knows the position of my flap and trim, and he mentioned something about buying sensors but he didn't have any details.
I have a RAC trim servo with an indicator on my dashboard and trim switch on my stick. There is also a servo that runs the flaps.
Does anyone know what kind of sensors I need to be able to display my trim and flap position on the Dynon EMS, just like in the glossy brochure? And where can I buy these sensors?
I see in the product photos and manuals that the Dynon EMS can display trim and flap position. I asked the salesrep at Aircraft Spruce (where I bought my avionics) how the Dynon knows the position of my flap and trim, and he mentioned something about buying sensors but he didn't have any details.
I have a RAC trim servo with an indicator on my dashboard and trim switch on my stick. There is also a servo that runs the flaps.
Does anyone know what kind of sensors I need to be able to display my trim and flap position on the Dynon EMS, just like in the glossy brochure? And where can I buy these sensors?