Two questions for Dynon


New Member
Feb 22, 2010
Q1. D-180 fuel flow..suddenly dropped...K-factor changed itself from 73,000 to 50,000 (about) and all is likely OK, but why the change?

Q2. D-180 RPM reading during 'mag check' jumps around a LOT, what might cause this? Does this on both 'mags' enough to make close reading difficult to do with any accuracy.

Thanks for any suggestions.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
1: On the first one - that definitely shouldn't happen. This setting never changes itself by design. It could indicate an issue with the memory with your D180, but it could also just be a fluke I'm afraid I don't have a good explanation for what could've changed the setting.

2: Does it always do it on one mag, and not on the other? And then on both, does it sometimes do it and sometimes not? If so, it could be that the output from one mag is erratic. Know that your D180 normally only actively listens to one of the mags at a time. When you do a runup and it sees the one it's looking at disappear, it will look to the other channel.