It's got a very similar fitment to a 4 cylinder injected Lycoming. Here's a list of our sensors that our tech support maintains that should work well with the engine. It's virtually identical to the 4 cylinder injected Lycoming package, except for the RPM input.
EGT – Dynon P/N 100405-002
CHT – Dynon P/N 100404-000
MAP - Dynon P/N 100434-000
Oil Pressure Kavlico 150 psi 1/8-27 NPT, P/N 101693-000
Oil Temp - Dynon P/N 100409-001
Fuel Pressure - Kavlico 50 psi 1/8-27 NPT, P/N 101716-000
Shunt – Dynon P/N 100412-000
Fuel Flow – Dynon P/N 100403-003, Use two fuel flow transducers if return line is being implemented
RPM – This signal comes from the ECU which output 2 PPR at 0-12Vdc at pin 9