Update on Corvair engine


New Member
Aug 28, 2007
It has been nearly 10 months since anything has been posted about EMS installations on Corvair engines.  Has anything been done to provide Corvair-specific probes?  How about a tach pickup divorced from the ignition system (e.g. tooth counting, etc.)?  There have been posts on the CorvAircraft and Zenith lists that I believe came from someone at Dynon indicating that these issues where being addressed.  That would be great.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We have not been actively working on any additional Corvair support. We're happy to look into it if someone is willing to help us by telling us what new sensors are needed for the engine. We already support a lot of sensors and most of these should work on any engine.

As for tach support, we do a direct connection to the magneto on Lycoming and Continental engines. We have thousands of these flying with probably 100,000 hours. We've never heard of this causing any problem. Our design uses a resistor that you install near the mag/coil, so no matter how badly the EMS fails inside, it doesn't affect your igniton system. Because of the success and simplicity of this system, we haven't looked at selling anything else.

We do support other tach senders. Anything that outputs a 10V or greater pulse will work with our system, so you can install whatever you feel is best for your plane.

We have an employee here that is working on a Zenith with a Corvair, so he'll probably step in and really get support going at some point, but he's just getting his wing kit in, so he's not pushing us quite yet. If you're really looking for some specific support of a sensor, please let us know.