Update terrain


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
Brisbane, Australia
This may help us NON- USA people.

I live in Australia and I had to download the terrain update file for my area ( DUP file, about 2gig ).
The Dynon webpage said to just place this file onto the usb stick.
On my usb stick that came with the screen, it already had a folder called "skyview" so I placed it into that folder. However when I put the stick into the back of the screen for the update, it seems that skyview cant read folders, so I had to place it at the root ( no folder ) and it worked.

To give you a time frame on the update, once you select the update option from the setup page, it first reads the file from the USB stick, then writes it to the skyview, then lastly the skyview turns off. All up it takes about 10 - 15 mins.

I hope I have saved someone some time and head scratching.
