Updating Multiple USBs - Seattle Avionics


New Member
Oct 7, 2021
I have a 3 screen Dynon HDX and I was attempting to download charts for the first time utilizing Seattle Avionics latest update and a 3 port unpowered USB 3.0 Hub. All 3 drives were detected and formatted within the Data Manager program. My first 3 attempts resulted in a number a failures, first of which is that at some point in the process the drives return a read only error. I figured this out to have something to do with having the PC set to a default action on USB storage devices that caused Windows File Explorer to open when a drive is detected. At some point in the process it seems that Data Manager is unmounting and mounting the drives which makes windows think a new drive is inserted. Change this to "Take no action" in windows solved this problem. Next problem, the files seem to load on all drives partially, then the Data Manager goes to "Not Responding and doesn't recover. Final attempt, I removed the USB hub and was able to make 3 usable USBs in 4 attempts with one error that caused me to have to redo one drive.

Ideally, I would like to keep a spare set of drives in a USB hub that will automatically update when the newest chart data is available. Has anyone had success with utilizing a USB hub to do this? Powered or unpowered? Make and model?

Many Thanks,


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
I know some have, but I'm not sure if it was simultaneous. You could also try copying one drive to another. Check this thread: