USB support


I love flying!
Oct 1, 2012
Will Skyview be supporting this?
After 7 years, consumers are finally getting an upgrade to USB. With recent announcements from both Google and Apple, the new USB (referred to as either USB 3.1 or USB Type-C) will be the new industry standard going forward. All new MacBooks and ChromeBooks will carry the new USB. Google also announced that it will quickly be implementing the connection on Android phones.

The new USB comes with four major improvements:

1. Faster transfer speeds: A HUGE bump up in transfer speed (10 Gbps)…double the speed of USB 3.0

2. Multiple types of data transfer including Ultra HD 4K mobile streaming

3. Higher output: Power up to 100w @ 20v. Allows for charging of larger devices can now be charged from USB, including laptops and monitors; Goodbye wall warts.

4. Reversible-plug connector: No more “this side up” connecting or differing connection ends.

So what to do with all of your current USB connected devices? Get a dongle adapter…or many dongle adapters.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We don't expect any updates to USB on SkyView anytime soon.

SkyView doesn't have any needs for faster USB. It's USB 2.0 today and that's not holding us back. Maybe we'd get slightly faster firmware updates but that's about it. The higher power output is optional, and we're not going to make SkyView a general USB charging device. To deliver 100W would require a 15A fuse on your SkyView!

Maybe in another 7 years, but the USB type A has been around since the late 1990's and isn't going anywhere. I promise when you walk into Best Buy in 3 years you aren't going to find only Type C devices, and even when that happens the data is backwards compatible so all you'll need is an adapter cable.

There are 30+ billion of Type A devices in the world so it's going to be a very, very long time before you find a laptop with only Type C connectors on it or can't buy a Type A memory stick.