Using a Garmin 430 as a source for autopilot


New Member
Sep 15, 2019
I have a Dynon sky view and I try to use the G430 as the source but I only get dash lines where all the information should be. I have not looked to see if it's connected in back yet but lets say it is. is there a setting that I need change or is it plug and play type situation? where the G430 is connected to gps1 and it should work?


New Member
Sep 15, 2019
to add to the confusion. I flew into an airport and set the ILS frequency in the Garmin, now I did not change the source in the Dynon and I got guidance needles on the attitude portion of the sky view without changing the source on the HSI from sky view as source. so did the guidance come from the g430 or sky view?? so confused :(


Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
Before anyone can even attempt to help, you need to post what is included in your SkyView system. What software version is running on your Skyview, do you have the ARINC-429, Autopilot Servos, AP Control Head, etc and if so, how are they connected together. I can tell you from experience, this combination (SkyView & G430W) is AWESOME.
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Feb 11, 2010
I have a Skyview and a Garmin 430W. It works fantastically. So you need to know how yours is setup. If you have an ARINC429 and it’s all wired correctly, the next thing would be the setup on the Skyview and the Garmin. Confirming there setup correctly. Then it’s if you are using it correctly, cause it is a little complicated when you first try to navigate using the garmin. HSI source and flight plan settings get a little confusing, or at least did for me. But I’ve got it down now and have been flying IFR with it and loving it.


Jul 9, 2019
Houston Area
to add to the confusion. I flew into an airport and set the ILS frequency in the Garmin, now I did not change the source in the Dynon and I got guidance needles on the attitude portion of the sky view without changing the source on the HSI from sky view as source. so did the guidance come from the g430 or sky view?? so confused :(
SkyView is neither equipped nor offers a NAV radio. So, any course deviation indications on the HSI was due to SkyView being selected as the source and you had entered a flight plan. SkyView will only offer GPS lateral guidance (obviously not an ILS).

Here are some quick steps to perform.
1. Cycle through the source options on the SkyView display. It should go from SkyView to [something custom for the GPS] to [something custom for the NAV] to none and loop.
2. If you don't see anything, I would check SkyView's configuration and look for an ARINC 429 option. If you see an ARINC 429 option then that means you have one; otherwise it may not be configured.
3. Run the SkyView configuration menu and search for all connected devices. If you still don't see one then you may not have one.
4. If you see an ARINC 429 option, then search and configure the source for your 430w. You'll need to configure it as a GPS/WAAS source and a NAV radio source.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
Before trying to debug this from afar, one question...

Have you read the Installation Manual and the User's Guide?