using the d100/120 hardware in a sim using DSAB


New Member
Nov 10, 2007
i know the subject of a dynon simulator has come up in the past....some by me...and the consensus was that it either wasn't needed, or the that dynon resources could be better spent developing real products. i definitely don't agree with the former, but would an alternative be to use the existing DSAB network, and a programming interface, to network an commercial sim product (xplane, FSX, prepar3d) with the d100/120 hardware? peter dowson already has his fsuipc program that interfaces with those above products. i guess what im asking is there an SDK or documentation on the DSAB network protocol that would be helpful to use a d100/120 screen and connect it to one of the aforementioned sim products? thanks


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Are you talking about feeding the D100/D120 with external data, or displaying their data on another screen?

The D100 won't accept AHRS data and the D120 won't take EMS data. They always pull their data from their internal sensors. So you can't feed them with simulated data.

If you want to display the data on an external device, we have a published format for our serial outputs which does include almost everything the system can display. This format is in the pilot's guide. It would be a ton of work to make a PC program which looked and acted like a D100 or D120 in all ways, but it's possible.

The DSAB protocol is not documented or supported publicly.

We do know that a simulator would be nice, but as has been discussed before, we just can't make a business case for it. The market for experimental EFIS devices is small, and we have to trade off all of our feature requests for ones we can support financially.