Various Gremlins

Rick Moss

New Member
Jan 27, 2021
Hi all, a quick bit of advice if I may...

I have a Classic 10" with autopilot fitted in my 912S Europa. It has performed flawlessly for around 1 year.
Recently, I have been getting "roll servo offline" warnings. I remade all the obvious connections, but the fault recurrs every 5-30 minutes.
The pitch servo has started dropping out too now, sometimes at the same time and sometimes at different times from the roll servo.
The ammeter has started showing a current drain of -6 to -60 Amps; this is a false reading, the alternator light is not illuminated and the voltage remains above 14v. The readings fluctuate wildly; the battery is not being depleted.
Very occasionally all 4 EGT readings get a red X through them, but only for a matter of a second or 2.

I'm certain that this is a wiring issue, likely caused from a winter lay-up in a damp hangar.

I'm wondering if there's a likely single cause, such as an earth connection etc. I'm going to remove the panels this week and rewire the AP servos and check all, but if there's a common source of failure that I'm unaware of, I'd appreciate a pointer!


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
One thing you might look at is the SkyView Network status page. Does it show you which wires and devices it thinks are offline? (admittedly, this might be hard to catch with one display, especially if it's intermittent)