Vertical Airspeed in simple autopilot mode.


New Member
Aug 20, 2019
I have +/-500 fpm set as my vertical speed.

In simple autopilot mode, is there a way for me to command a climb or decent at a rate other than what I have pre set? In other words, I want to temporarily override the programmed +/- vertical speed. I thought this was through the BUGs screen but I can't get the value to change.

Thank you
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Active Member
Jun 15, 2008
Brisbane, Qld. Australia of your joystick knobs can be used

RTFM.........Read The Factory Manual. And Yes I am serious, you should not be flying the plane if you have not read the manual at least enough to know where these functions are. I don't expect anyone to memorise the whole thing (I can't) but you really should have a good basic understanding of all these things. If you have come from steam instruments, setting bugs and aligning the DG was a subconscious thing, you just did it. The same level of familiarity is required with any glass system.

Download the pilot guide and get a comfy chair. :)

To set the VS bug:

1. Enter the Joystick Function Menu.

2. Move the joystick up or down to highlight (VS).

3. Click the joystick or move it left or right to close the menu (this is optional).

(VS) will now display just above that joystick. The vertical speed bug setting on the PFD will be outlined to signal that it is selected. Turn the joystick to adjust the vertical speed bug. Note that while the vertical speed bug is changing, its display window lights up in cyan to draw your attention to it.