New Member
I have not yet flown with my DYNON EFIS/AP setup but am trying to understand everything first. I have been through the manual but am not sure how to best setup the climb and descent profiles. The aircraft is a Jet warbird and typical climb speed is about 220kts and cruise is around 300 kts. Normal altitudes are 270-280.
Should I setup the VS as an average of say 1500 fpm and then set the IAS bug to 220 for the climb? As I read it, the aircraft will be climbing at a much faster initial rate than 1500 fpm but the AP will maintain the 220kt preselected climb speed. When capturing cruise altitude, I would roll up the IAS bug to say 300 kts and then I'm covered for cruise For descent I would set the IAS bug at say 250 kts and if the A/S tends to build past that I will get a command to reduce power or the VS will reduce. Is that correct?
Should I setup the VS as an average of say 1500 fpm and then set the IAS bug to 220 for the climb? As I read it, the aircraft will be climbing at a much faster initial rate than 1500 fpm but the AP will maintain the 220kt preselected climb speed. When capturing cruise altitude, I would roll up the IAS bug to say 300 kts and then I'm covered for cruise For descent I would set the IAS bug at say 250 kts and if the A/S tends to build past that I will get a command to reduce power or the VS will reduce. Is that correct?