Vertical speed vs IAS bug setting


New Member
Sep 24, 2011
Burlington, Ontario Canada
I have not yet flown with my DYNON EFIS/AP setup but am trying to understand everything first. I have been through the manual but am not sure how to best setup the climb and descent profiles. The aircraft is a Jet warbird and typical climb speed is about 220kts and cruise is around 300 kts. Normal altitudes are 270-280.
Should I setup the VS as an average of say 1500 fpm and then set the IAS bug to 220 for the climb? As I read it, the aircraft will be climbing at a much faster initial rate than 1500 fpm but the AP will maintain the 220kt preselected climb speed. When capturing cruise altitude, I would roll up the IAS bug to say 300 kts and then I'm covered for cruise For descent I would set the IAS bug at say 250 kts and if the A/S tends to build past that I will get a command to reduce power or the VS will reduce. Is that correct?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
The Dynon AP doesn't currently follow the IAS bug at all. It always climbs using VS.

There are min and max airpseeds in the setup menu, and the AP won't fly faster or slower than this, but this isn't meant to be something you adjust during a flight. These are generally set just above stall speed and just below Vne.

We are working on IAS holds and it's something you'll see in the future, but it isn't there now.