Video Camera to Video Adapter


New Member
Oct 24, 2007
HI, I just upgraded from D100 and D120 to 2 Skyview 10 HDX displays and since I had a small camera installed with its own screen I removed it and I connect it to the video adapter via the composite connector. I setup the input to composite but it doesn't work. I tried to cycle from Pal to NTSC but nothing changes. Sometimes it shows e red cross and No Frame is shown. If I removed the connector the screen turns blue. Sometimes something is showing from the camera but the image is still and not clear. Any idea? Thanks.


Dynon Staff
Staff member
Jan 14, 2013
Woodinville, WA
The blue screen is what the video device outputs when there's nothing connected at all. It's one of two things - either the camera device isn't putting out a consistent signal, or there's something up with the adapter or connection to SkyView. One question - what USB port do you have it connected to? If you're using the one built into the 37 pin harness, try instead one of the dedicated ports on the back of the SkyView display.