VNAV to Runway rather than Airport


Active Member
Sep 24, 2007
Tehachapi, CA 93561
This has been discussed at l east once before, but no answer was directly forthcoming. Using ONLY the Skyview (no external navigator), one can program VNAV in the MENU > MAP SETUP > VS REQ'D menu in two ways - one, to arrive at the final waypoint at a certain altitude above the waypoint at a certain distance from the waypoint. All well and good - IOW, get me to 1000 ft. AGL 3 miles prior to the waypoint. A glideslope angle is also specified, so one can define what GS one would like to use.

However, there's also a secondary set of inputs, for arriving at a runway at an altitude and distance from that runway (assumedly the threshold) - not just the center of the airport.

Now, the question is, how the hell do you tell the system that you want to arrive at a specific runway, rather than just the destination (airport)? If, for example, I'm flying to KTSP and want to land on runway 29, and want to reach a point 0.5 miles from the runway threshold at 300 ft. AGL, and I've put that info into the VS REQ'D setup, how to I get that VNAV indication (or HNAV, for that matter)? I realize that this is ALL VFR - this is NOT intended to mimic an IFR approach.

The relevant sections of the Pilot's Guide, Rev. J, seem to be:
  • VS REQ'D on page 5-34, which does NOT discuss the "runway" choices in that part of the menu
  • Extended Runway Centerlines on page 5-48, which says nothing about flying TO that runway, either horizontally or vertically
  • VNAV: Vertical Navigation on page 5-56, which DOES discuss the "runway" choices, but says nothing about how to use the "runway" portion of the information
  • Same section, page 5-57, which states:

    "In contrast, an arrow on the VSI indicates is the “current value” which indicates the vertical speed that will take the aircraft along a straight descent path from its current position to the selected runway threshold (or specified height above). "
But nowhere that I could find does it ever say how to use the runway section of the information put into the VS REQ'D menu. Get me to the airport? Absolutely. Fly me to the runway? No clue.

WTF am I missing? Am I blind?



I love flying!
Feb 26, 2013
push <direct to > rnwy > set green pointer to desired runway then push <direct to> again.


Active Member
Dec 17, 2017
Thank you very much - is that in the PIlot Guide somewhere that I missed? Is there some way go to a runway without doing a "direct" - IOW, in a flight plan?
Not 'ned' but ... For your first question, see page 7-49 of the SkyView Classic / Touch Pilot’s User Guide – Revision AG, under "Extended Runways".

For your second question, I would think that anything you can go 'Direct To' you can add to a flight plan. I'll have to try it though.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2007
Tehachapi, CA 93561
Not 'ned' but ... For your first question, see page 7-49 of the SkyView Classic / Touch Pilot’s User Guide – Revision AG, under "Extended Runways".
Fascinating. I have an HDX, and was using the HDX Pilot's Guide. Per my second bullet point of the first posting, the "Extended Runway Centerlines" section on page 5-48 says:

When the Flight Plan origin, a waypoint, or the destination is an airport, an extended runway line is shown on the map, as shown in Figure 150. To select the specific runway to display extended runway, push the INFO button, select the RWY tab, and rotate the knob to select the direction.​

But on the page you mention in the "Classic / Touch" PUG, it says:

When the Flight Plan origin, a waypoint, or the destination is an airport, an extended runway line is shown on the map, as illustrated here.
To navigate to a particular runway, push the INFO button, select RWY, rotate the knob to select the desired runway, and press “Direct-To".​

Assuming that the HDX is not missing functionality that the Classic / Touch has, this is clearly a deficit in the HDX manual, since it doesn't say anything about navigating to the runway in the HDX manual - just how to display it.

Dynon, if you're paying attention - this is a documentation bug here... The Classic PUG is clear - the HDX PUG is certainly not.

Thanks to @ned and @RV8JD for pointing me in the right direction.


New Member
Oct 18, 2020
Here's something I've observed.
1. Select a runway direction using the green arrow in the runway info of an airport.
2. Push the direct to-> button.
3. Notice that the map now shows an extended centerline(~ 5 mi) from the selected runway similar(if not the same) to a localizer front course.
However it doesn't show a course line from the present position to that extended centerline waypoint or to the airport.
4. The HSI now shows your current horizontal offset from that extended center line similar to a localizer
5. The HSI to/from arrow shows whether you inside or outside the touchdown point that has been defined in the map settings similar(if not the same) to a localizer(front/back) course.
6. The distance to waypoint that is shown appears to be the distance from present position to the touchdown point
Notice that the flight plan now only shows one entry when displayed on the Dynon flight plan box(AirPortID.RWY)
However, when I saved the flight plan to a memory stick it showed two entries:
1. A lat/long entry waypoint of the ~5 mi extended rwy centerline.
2. AirPortID.RWY.

When I transferred the flight plan from SV to ForeFlight using the wifi transfer function
it showed these two entries as a sequence in contrast to the single entry displayed in the SV screen flight plan.
Out of curiosity, I added a starting position airport
to this sequence and then transferred that back to the SV via wifi.
SV now showed a complete route from the origin airport to the
extended centerline waypoint to the runway touchdown point.

IF these observations are correct, I wonder IF Dynon might consider adding the missing
course line from the present position to that extended centerline waypoint when the D-> function is used to a runway .
IMHO, this would be very useful for example a nighttime
VFR approach to an unfamiliar airport(especially with no localizer/gs available).

Hopefully this makes sense. Give it a try to see IF it behaves the same on your SV:

-TBoone (0TX1) ;)