The general issue with the EMS is that it's WAAAY TOOO LOUD, so this is kind of a first. Our install guide recommends a variable resistor in line to reduce the volume. Do you have one of these, or does the EMS go right out to the intercom?
If it goes right out, does it go into the intercom by itself, or does it somehow get shared with other inputs (like hooked in parallel to the radio or music)? Sharing, if not done properly, can significantly mute one output.
Also, are you saying the EMS is too quiet even with all the volumes cranked all the way up? Or is it just an issue where it's quieter than everything else at a given volume, but does get loud enough if you make everything else too loud?
The EMS can put out 16V P-P, which is more than a LM386 could unless you powered it off a bossing power supply in the plane, so that isn't going to get you anywhere.
The output of the AP74 is.... An LM386 run off 12V. However, NONE of the Dynon equipment is meant to drive a headset direct, especially in parallel with the radio. so it's not surprising that it doesn't work well for him. It is all designed to have an intercom between the equipment and the headset.