Weather Graphics Hardware?


New Member
Aug 16, 2010
I notice that in the Coming Soon section of the Technology Preview there is a reference to Weather Graphics.

Now I get that in future plans and particularly in mid-range plans, there is a whole lot of "well maybe but we are not sure so don't hold us to it." No problem. But I am going to take a guess anyway.

I would take a guess that what is being pointed to might be display of the XM weather on the SkyView screen. If that guess is accurate, then the signal will have to come from some form of receiver for the satellite signal.

Now we get to the heart of the question. Is Dynon working on another hockey puck (ala the GPS and transponder) or is the weather data coming from the signal of another vendor (ala the Garmin data from the 430W/530W/696/... or maybe even directly from the 69/69A)?

If Dynon is working on their own hockey puck (which is actually my bet since Garmin is a competitor), will some form of the puck include XM entertainment?

Please feel free to answer in those vague wink wink nudge nudge type answers, if you need to, but at least give us a general direction.

Thanks, Phil


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
I can be straightforward. :)

Our preferred method is ADS-B In, mostly because of the monthly costs; $0. The downside is the current coverage. Right now there are several reasonably priced ADS-B In receivers on the market, and we expect more to come. We will use a use a standard input format that is common to all/most.

We will "probably" also support XM, because it currently provides full coverage in the lower 48 . We would support the hardware receiver that WxWorx sells (Garmin does not export weather from their boxes.)  But XM isn't an absolute promise, so don't go buy any hardware yet.

Dynon Marketing