Which rec by Dynon Serial Input Port do I choose?


New Member
Feb 22, 2008
Hello Dynon Support,

The following paragraph is copied directly from your instructions..

EFIS, EMS, and HS34 products must be individually upgraded via their individual serial ports connected to a PC and running the latest version of the Dynon Avionics Product Support Program.

After reading the above in your Firmware upgrade instructions, just which part of Dynon's Instructions do I believe? We have a D180 that is roughly 2 years old as well as the HS34. I have just purchased your AP74 as well as Twin Axis Servo's for my J230D Jabiru.

When I installed the original units, I diligently followed the instructions that said when the HS34 is Installed all future Software Upgrades are then done via this units 9 Pin Serial Port. (As per the easy to follow diagram on Page 8-12 of the Install Manual) And in fact that is confirmed by your own software which basically says the same thing when I access the Serial Ports under Setup, with both the EFIS and the EMS being locked out by the presence of the HS34 Panel.

(At the very bottom of Page 8-18 it says that "Note that the EFIS/EMS Serial Menu is disabled on all products connected to a DSAB System that has a HS34 Connected) that is why I placed a front panel mounted Serial Socket that is connected to the HS34's Serial Port and then removed the extra two "Apparently" now not usable EFIS & EMS Serial Sockets..

So given the above instructions, just how do I actually upgrade the units for the new Autopilots Hardware? Also, do the 2 x Servo's have to be connected for this firmware upgrade, given that I have just purchased both of them, as well as the AP74 from Aircraft Spruce? Should they not have the latest software already installed in them?

I ask this only as I may have to pull the Panel and do some re-wiring in Town, so I thought that I would try upgrading it while it out of the aircraft in order to put the EFIS and EMS Serial Plugs back onto it that were removed after the explicit instructions said that all upgrades were via the HS34.. The Compass would not be with it however, does it need to be wired in at the same time for it to be upgraded also?

My OAT has also never worked since new on this unit, always reading minus 40c or some crazy figure in between it and the normal temp. It is the 2 wire unit supplied by Dynon, as is the Current sensor, which randomly reads the correct current and then some stupid random figure that means nothing. I have double checked all the wiring between the Current Shunt right up to the Instrument, no bumping or vibration makes any difference to the weird readings given, so if if it is a dry joint it is a weird one.

Also the Carb Sensor that is also a Dynon Temp Sensor Unit reads a Temperature that is far to high and hardly moves, even when you are flying through air that is near freezing point, it still reads in the order of 20c to 30'c - yes, it is correct sensor Part No: 100609 with the correct sensor number 3 chosen as instructed in your installation book page 6-15.

It is really disappointing when something does not work as it should do, specially when all instructions are followed to the letter. I tried the other sensor numbers to see if made any difference, but of course it made no difference to the silly readings being given. Perhaps the software upgrade will correct some of these faults? If i can access the unit in order to upgrade it - that is!

I did write into this Forum about these faults just after installation, but gave up in disgust when the checks given in reply did nothing at all to improve the situation. Even the desperate one that said to check the Dynon Supplied Loom Current sender wires for a "badly spliced connection within the wires" (Which was new one to me - wires upon reaching their end at the wire factory, are spliced together, then insulated over and sent out? Mmmm..)

And like a lot of people out there do, I just put up with an instrument that had some of its more important features that I had paid good money for, which were just not usable as advertised when it came straight out of its Box. Add to that the fact that I live way over here in Australia, and you will understand the cost that is involved for me to have to return something as soon as I received it, and that was not working as it should have been to begin with. I am an Electronics Tech with some 31 years of Experience, thus the wiring was done to "perfection" (Photo's available if required)

I had to purchase the Auto Pilot Gear from Aircraft Spruce this time, as your firm would not accept my overseas credit card or reply to many emails (5) sent to 3 different company email addresses with your original Purchases Order Number shown on the heading field. - even though I had used my card in my initial purchase of the above D180 HS34 and the Engine Kit + Accessories..

A some what disappointing experience for me all way round.. Spruce had no qualms about accepting my card though, and I had not previously purchased similar big ticket items with them at all. :(

Kind Regards

Graham King.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Re: Which rec by Dynon Serial Input Port do I choo

Hi Grahm,

The quote from page 9-2 in the manual says this better:

Each Dynon EMS or EFIS must be individually upgraded by connecting a PC to that
instrument’s serial port. The HS34 also must be individually upgraded via its Serial 1 port.
Firmware upgrades to EDC-D10A, AP74, and SV32/42/52 are performed automatically during
firmware upgrades of the attached EFIS product. (Upgrading a non-DSAB-bus-master EFIS will
not update attached autopilot devices).

In other words, the AP74 and servos are not independently upgraded - they are always configured on the DSAB network as "belonging to" the Bus Master EFIS (in your case the D180).  However, any OTHER EFIS on the DSAB bus, or an HS34, must be updated separately.  


Turn on power to your HS34, and turn off power to everything else (you could actually allow power to be on on your servos and AP74 just so long as the D180 is OFF, but if you have them powered off the same CB just turn them all off).  Upgrade your HS34.  Leave it on, and turn on power to your D180; AP74; servos; and remote compass.  Now update the D180 and all the other stuff (AP74; servos; remote compass) will update via DSAB.



New Member
Feb 22, 2008
Re: Which rec by Dynon Serial Input Port do I choo

"Phantom" Thankyou for your quick response regarding Firmware upgrade. Its strange that they wrote these confusing instructions re the Serial on the HS34 doing everything - when actually by your response it does not.

I will give this a go this evening and hopefully I will have a more positive outcome - for this particular problem at least. :)




New Member
Jul 27, 2007
Re: Which rec by Dynon Serial Input Port do I choo

I think the lack of clarity comes from the fact that the HS34 upgrade instructions were only referring to upgrades to the HS34, not other systems, while the EFIS upgrade instructions DO refer to upgrading "subsystems."

It's not exactly wrong, just could stand clarification.

I'm available for tech writing for the right price...



Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
Re: Which rec by Dynon Serial Input Port do I choo

Hi Graham,

You've got a lot there, but let's see if we can answer some of your questions. Also, note that you can also get individual technical support by calling us at 425-402-0433 or emailing tech support directly at support@dynonavionics.com.

First the serial port issue. When we said that "EFIS/EMS Serial Menu is disabled", we mean that the menu that lets you set the EFIS and EMS-based serial ports to receive GPS/SL30s is unavailable since the HS34 takes over those data-receiving duties when it is installed. It does NOT impact the way that units are updated, however. So to recap: All screens ALWAYS need to be updated individually through their serial ports. The HS34 also needs to be updated individually through its serial port. Howeever, servos and AP74s are updated through the master EFIS or FlightDEK-D180 they are connected to. Hope that helps.

Next, OAT. Check and make sure that the GP input that the OAT is connected to is set to OAT, and that the OAT input selection (EFIS>SETUP>OAT) on any EFIS that is in the system is set to "Installed: N", which means that the EFIS then won't go looking for an OAT connected to the EDC-D10A remote compass.

The carb temp is a little more mysterious. If you measure the resistance between the two wires of the probe with power off, and note the temperature, and either email that to support or post it here, we can look it up and see if the sensor is performing properly. Also, confirm that your probe has black/white wires and not all black wires. If it's 100609 as you've described, it connects to a GP input and ground, and that's it. If it has all black wires, there's an alternate set of instructions that includes a resistor and the 5V line that need to be followed.

The Amps shunt is only supported on the positive side of the electrical system. If it's on the negative side, you'll see some odd effects.