I thought my winds aloft were off, so on a recent cross country I flew the four cardinal headings. I was about 4,500'. This is what I got:
Heading Wind Direction Wind speed
360 242 20
270 334 18
180 251 31
090 271 08
Averaged: 274 19
I recently had an IFR static check performed and everything was right on the money. I also did the compass calibration using our airport's compass rose.
The only check I have not yet made was flying down the runway at different speeds, as mentioned in the thread posted on November 12.
Is there any literature out there about static ports & best locations? I was looking at a turbine aircraft and it had flush ports with multiple holes drilled. Maybe that would make a difference.
Any other suggestions?
Heading Wind Direction Wind speed
360 242 20
270 334 18
180 251 31
090 271 08
Averaged: 274 19
I recently had an IFR static check performed and everything was right on the money. I also did the compass calibration using our airport's compass rose.
The only check I have not yet made was flying down the runway at different speeds, as mentioned in the thread posted on November 12.
Is there any literature out there about static ports & best locations? I was looking at a turbine aircraft and it had flush ports with multiple holes drilled. Maybe that would make a difference.
Any other suggestions?