Wiring guage and fuel sender conversion wiring


Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
I have discovered I need to plan for 5 wires to run to the AP servos. Will 20 gauge suffice for all (run length should be about 15 feet)?

As a separate question, I have a Vision Microsystems probe running the full length of my wing. I know it will require a converter to work with the Dynon but I also have another small fuselage tank. I could live without a fuel quantity indication from this tank but would prefer to have it since the Dynon will indicate level in both tanks. I have no probe for the second tank although I have found one from another builder which is also VM. If I buy a converter from Princeton for each tank I think the Dynon will handle this fine. If, however I just buy a probe compatible with the Dynon (which I think Princeton also sells), can the Dynon read correctly with the different probes?


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
At that distance, 20 gauge should be fine if it's an SV32, and marginal if it's a SV42. Consult a wiring chart for the amperage of your servo and the wire run you're planning on.

As long as they output a variable DC voltage within 0-5V, they should work (this is what the Princetons put out). We don't have any experience with the VM + Princeton coverter though.