New profile posts

There is a fraudster on the forum who goes by Tdawson869. He scammed me out of $200 listing a transponder for sale, apparently trying to get money from another member for the same sold item who I've been in touch with ,Sknightflyer. Please help get this person off the forum so he doesn't continue to do this to others. Is there any information that can be used to bring this to the authorities? Thank you
Thank you for the info on the canopy switch. That is exactly what I needed. Parts ordered. I'm in Maine but will be coming to Florida in February. I have a home at 7FL6, Spruce Creek Flyin. Where are you located? Glen
Currently based at KCTJ, West GA Regional in Carrollton, GA. Also have a home and business in Panama City, FL where my RV-12 was based for 7-years (KECP). Farm and new house are in GA and I travel back and forth every couple of weeks. Just got back to PC after a couple of days in Orlando. John
I'm still interested, to the classic SkyView the price are ok, if just you have a picture of the screen in fonction, and no line of pixels missing.
let me know, for the payment,
the shipping will be in the US ,but I'not sure the exact address now
Best regards
Michel Denis
Hey Hornet, I might be able to help you out in about 6 weeks ! i may have a HDX surplus to my needs.
trying to start my D120.
Were you looking for help with something? If so, you should post this in one of the forums instead of in your profile.
Hello, I'm looking for an option to create user specific airspaces. We have some zones like "parachutes dropping" or "noise reduction" zone and we want to insert those airspaces into the sky view data base like we do with user waypoints.
You should post this question in a forum instead of in your profile. No one will see it here unless they happen to view your profile.
Jon, yes…the units are still available. I could call you Saturday afternoon if you like.
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Jon S.
Hey, I greatly appreciate this.

Let me advise… I am currently in Brazil assisting a missionary pilot here and am 1 hr ahead of eastern time (hence 3-4 hrs ahead of you). Should be no problem as far as my schedule goes, but letting you know just in case we run into “connection issues”.

My number is (850) 610-0448.

Thank you much!

Needing information on setting up trim control display on HDX
You should post this question in the forums instead of your own profile. Almost no one will see it here.
If have Efis D10A it has just started playing up it will not go over 930 in altitude reading and shows speeds of 180 knots it’s in a Jab230 any ideas thanks
Wayne, you should put this question in the forums instead of in a profile post. Practically nobody will see it here. I just saw it myself. On a side note, at least you can brag about having a J230 that goes 180 knots.