Recent content by Cesar

  1. Cesar

    Gps175 fail

    Hi guy's I have a gps 175,but when I do the rnav app it does not show if you are navigating with the CDI at 2-1-0,3 nm,it is set to automatic Many thanks
  2. Cesar

    Tie Flight Plan SRC to HSI NAV SRC

    I am following this thread very carefully,I have HDX 1100 and a gps 175 and AP installed on my plane with jeppesen data,but it does not start the descent when it corresponds in an RNAV, in the hdx I put gps2 source and I can see the flight plan, any suggestions?
  3. Cesar

    EGT & CHT probe failures

    Don’t wary I’ll change thread
  4. Cesar

    EGT & CHT probe failures

    Many thanks for your support
  5. Cesar

    EGT & CHT probe failures

    the glide slope works perfectly on all airfields but it doesn't work for me and it doesn't appear when i want to do a vnav descent, my screen is a Dynon HDX 100 and the approach data is in the airmate software
  6. Cesar

    EGT & CHT probe failures

    Yes sir Icannot information about GS
  7. Cesar

    EGT & CHT probe failures

    Even following the instructions in the manual I have not been able to make an approach using VNAV,does anyone heve experience in this ?
  8. Cesar

    EGT & CHT probe failures

    in our ecently installed HDX screens we had two probe failures,we changed the connectors and in a year and a half we have had no problem
  9. Cesar

    D10A with GPS175

    I am installing a gps 175 with Dynon hdx,is it posible with This navigator to do rnav or rnp 1,,2,,4 or 5.thank you very much for your reply
  10. Cesar


  11. Cesar

    Brad Thurow

    It will be possible to see the active satellites on the screen or at least be able to see them quickly to know how many we have available for rnav gnss operation, thanks for the answer (s)
  12. Cesar

    Brad Thurow

    Ok Raymo good information ,many thanks
  13. Cesar

    Brad Thurow

    Many thanks guy I”ll send This información to my CMA
  14. Cesar

    Brad Thurow

    hello good day guys, i need to know if gps 172 is compatible with Dynon HDX 1100, this navigator is necessary to do RNAV, thank you very much for your answer