Recent content by DHeal

  1. DHeal

    Standby Network Error - Data 2 Pair (Pins 4 and 8)

    So I gather from this that I can swap the top plug to the bottom position without any issue?
  2. DHeal

    Standby Network Error - Data 2 Pair (Pins 4 and 8)

    OK, I've checked the continuity of the "Pins 4 and 8" paired wires feeding the back of my Skyview display -- all checked out fine but I'm still getting the occasional SNR warning as noted above. Just out of trouble-shooting curiosity, if I relocate the 9-pin plug on the back of the SV display...
  3. DHeal

    Standby Network Error - Data 2 Pair (Pins 4 and 8)

    After 10 years and 1,400 hours of excellent performance (Skyview in RV-12 ULS) I am suddenly receiving intermittent "Standby Network Error" warnings. Drilling down I get "#5 - Skyview Network Connection Fault - Data 2 Pair (Pins 4 & 8)". The warnings occur seemingly in a random manner every...
  4. DHeal

    Skyview HDX Engine Instrument Layout

    I have an early Dynon Skyview 10"in my RV-12 (w/ 912 ULS), this is what I see: Sectional on left 2/5ths of screen / Flight instruments on center 2/5ths / Engine instruments on right 1/5th. That way, the important flight info is directly in front of the pilot and the engine info is off to the...
  5. DHeal

    Skyview HDX ADS-B Traffic disappears then reappears

    To avoid messing up my existing Van's RV-12 ULS parameters in my SV should I just update to 16.6.0 using Dynon's Method 1? In other words, NOT try to update any of my existing Van's sSV ettings??
  6. DHeal

    Skyview HDX ADS-B Traffic disappears then reappears

    My SV's ADSB-472 is Version 2.4.20 and I get occasional dropped targets, ghosting, etc. Can I separately update my ADSB to the newer Version 2.4.58 without having to go through the whole 16.6 update? I always dread the updating process due to my fear that my existing parameters and settings...
  7. DHeal

    Software Update v16

    Sure would be nice if the new SV Classic update included the following: Whenever the AP is turned ON or its status changed to an active AP function, the symbols/switches along the bottom of the screen should automatically revert to the AP series of actions (e.g., PITCH, ROLL, etc.).
  8. DHeal

    Fire TFRs Slow to Display and Clear

    Sure do wish that the GA groups and avionics industry would bring pressure to bear on the FAA to fix this potential safety issue. I know, I know, we should always call an FAA-approved briefer prior to flight for their latest cryptic description of current TFRs. However, wouldn't it be smarter...
  9. DHeal

    Fire TFRs Slow to Display and Clear

    Out here in the firey west (just north of San Francisco) we see a lot of fire-related TFRs popping up and then being cancelled a week or so later. On my SV Classic 10" (w/ ADSB 2020) it is not unusual for the published TFRs to take 30 minutes or more to be displayed on my screen. In addition...
  10. DHeal

    Biennial Transponder Check

    Thanks all -- my avionics tech said he never sees any problems with Dynon equipment.
  11. DHeal

    Biennial Transponder Check

    Tomorrow I am getting my biennial transponder check at a local avionics shop. This is for my RV-12 ELS (Skyview 10 / ADS-B / VFR-only). I recall somewhere that Dynon describes the appropriate procedure to accomplish this check. Where can I find this procedure?
  12. DHeal

    Feeling servo's when a/p is off

    Actually, "feeling" the servos is a good thing in a way. As part of your preflight (before engine start), you can move the stick through its full range of motion and both feel and hear the servos' connection. This is a useful thing to know come the day that you inadvertently break the shear...
  13. DHeal

    Usefulness of KNOB and PANEL?

    I initially flew for some 400 hours on my RV-12 / Skyview without the KNOB/PANEL -- this worked fine albeit with a bit more knob/button manipulation (though somewhat problematic when flying IFR). What caused me to subsequently buy and install the KNOB/PANEL was the "auto-trim" function...
  14. DHeal

    What do I need to install SV-AP-Panel in RV-12?

    I used Van's kit to retro-install my SV-AP-Panel / SV-AP-Knob pair. It included all of the wiring and was easy to install. Perhaps Van's will sell you just the wiring harness portion of their kit?
  15. DHeal

    Autopilot - change heading in GPS mode

    If the change in course is for a short period of time one option you can use is the Control Wheel Steering (CWS) function as described in the User Manual. Of course, this means you would have to manually fly the aircraft briefly.....