Recent content by JohnMauleM4

  1. J

    Franklin engine EMS system installation

    I’ll have to look into the restrictor. Appreciate the heads up. Thanks
  2. J

    Franklin engine EMS system installation

    Hi, Thanks for the reply. Do you by chance have have any pics of the manifold pressure sensor hook up? Thanks John
  3. J

    Franklin engine EMS system installation

    Looking to speak with anyone that has installed the EMS on a Franklin engine. Thanks
  4. J

    Maule M4-220C Autopilot

    This is the Century servo in the right wing of my Maule
  5. J

    Maule M4-220C Autopilot

    Hello Dynon, I'm in the process of rebuilding a Maule M4-220c. I have the right wing skins removed and would like to replace the Century II Autopilot S.T.C. #SA415SO Ref. Maule Dwr 9067B. The roll servo is located in the right wing and is the capstan variation. Would Dynon be interested in...
  6. J

    Rebuilding a 1972 Maule M4-220C from ground up in DFW area.

    Rebuilding a 1972 Maule M4-220C from ground up in DFW area.