Recent content by Marc_J._Zeitlin

  1. M

    HDX Suite + Garmin GPS175: RNP or RNAV only?

    Yes. Expert Mode only. If you're trying to use if for IFR, you pretty much have to be in EM.
  2. M

    HDX Suite + Garmin GPS175: RNP or RNAV only?

    Yes. Obviously, I need to manage the throttle so as to maintain appropriate IAS, but the AP will follow the RNAV glideslope.
  3. M

    HDX Suite + Garmin GPS175: RNP or RNAV only?

    Yes. This is my setup as well, and it works perfectly. You need to set up both systems correctly (and it was 5 years ago, so I don't recall what the set ups were), but as long as they are set up right, it works.
  4. M

    Sidestep TRK?

    An ATP I know who flies a Varieze and a Defiant just indicated to me that this is common in the big iron - here's what he said: "Didn't think this needed to clutter up the general forum, but one of the biggest uses of the offset function these days is for 'SLOP' - no joke. SLOP = Strategic...
  5. M

    Sidestep TRK?

    Yeah, and Garmin navigators (and assumedly, others as well) can do this with an offset track of multiple distances (I think 1, 2 and 4 NM). But the Skyview does NOT seem to have this functionality. I can't say I've ever used it with my Garmin GPS 175, but I can see how it might be useful in some...
  6. M

    What's needed for IFR training

    Didn't I say exactly that in post #2?
  7. M

    Unusual EMS-D120 Ammeter Display

    You don't state what airplane, what alternator, what regulator, or any other information about your setup, so we have to guess. There are three main ways of installing a shunt that indicate current: In between Alternator and Main Bus - this will show alternator output. So generally, this will...
  8. M

    Transfer IFR approach from Seattle Avionics subscription to FPL

    Yes. As a backup, when I'm flying an approach with vertical guidance using the GPS-175, I'll program in the next waypoint's altitude and watch the cyan arc to see if it aligns with the next waypoint. One could use that with judicious adjusting of the vertical descent rate to keep from having to...
  9. M

    Transfer IFR approach from Seattle Avionics subscription to FPL

    My advice to my customers is that if they want to fly approaches, they bite the bullet, purchase an approved navigator, and use THAT to drive the G3X. But in an emergency (and ONLY in an emergency), you use what you have. Hell - if I HAD to, I'd fly an approach using Foreflight on my iPhone and...
  10. M

    What's needed for IFR training

    You would need a VOR antenna (and maybe GS, but usually GS can come from the VOR with a splitter) for the NAV-2000, and you'd need a place for the GPS antenna for the GPS-175. You can certainly run the cables for either/both but not install the antennae, if you can pick a good spot for them and...
  11. M

    Transfer IFR approach from Seattle Avionics subscription to FPL

    An interesting question. I have Skyviews in my plane, but I've installed G3X full stack IFR panels in three customer's planes. I THINK that one can fly a full approach with vertical nav with only the G3X, but it is most certainly NOT an approved IFR navigator (and they're very clear to give you...
  12. M

    What's needed for IFR training

    For enroute navigation under IFR, you don't need anything else. Dead Reckoning and Pilotage, with a handheld GPS as a backup, are perfectly legal for enroute. If you don't mind using old technology, a Val Avionics NAV-2000: is the cheapest way to make...
  13. M

    Transfer IFR approach from Seattle Avionics subscription to FPL

    If you don't have an approved navigator (Garmin GSP-175 or the like) then as @airguy says, you can't do this. If you DO (as I do), then you just use the navigator as the navigation source, and the Skyview will follow the waypoints in it. But if you don't have one, then you'd have to input the...
  14. M

    Dual Ships Batteries for Skyview Classic

    It will depend on which of the AEC architectures you're using. If Z-14, you can feed from both buses through diodes to the single power input to the Skyview If Z-19, you can put the Skyview on the engine battery bus and just not turn on the engine battery solenoid master switch until after the...
  15. M

    Two independant Fuel Flow Senders

    Had you stated the information above in your first posting, I would probably have ignored you. But since the 250 gph sensor that I pointed you to (the FT-180) has a pressure drop of only 0.23 psi at a flow of 60 gph (50% more than you're looking for) and a pressure drop of only 0.92 psi at 120...