My non dynon wifi adapters have been working well for in my dual screen set up for over 300 hours. It now seems one has died. The same model is no longer available and so I am wondering if anyone has a non dynon wifi adapter install and what the make and model of that wifi adapter is.
I installed a panel mounted toggle switch which can disconnect power to the servos. I thought in the event of an emergency flicking the switch would be preferable to pulling breakers or switching things off in the VPX. I labelled it 'AP master'. Usually it just stays in the on position.
I have had a few sensor failures on my D1000 classic. The characteristics of the failures were exactly the same as you describe.
In the end I suspect poor connections from the EMS harness to the EGT sensor wire were the problem all along. Obviously I couldn't prove it as the other sensors were...
On my installation the supplied harness wires were long enough to reach everything they needed to.
The EGT and CHT wires already had connectors attached to connect to those coming from the EGT and CHT sensors supplied.
On other sensor wires like oil and fuel pressure I attached appropriate...
FWIW I had issues with my AP maintaining direction and implementing unnecessary turns. In the end I tracked it to a corroded connection at the servo. I remade the connections and the problem went away. In the end a relatively quick and cheap resolution.
A report on an issue I encountered.
Today my VPX licence disappeared. It was there yesterday but I realised it had disappeared when I investigated why my flap position widget no longer appeared on my D1000, replaced by a red X where it used to be and the hint 'CFG?'
After some investigation...
I had to get the locked up screen 're-flashed'. I took it to a local Dynon dealer and they carried out the process.
Then its a case of reloading some of the databases, reconfiguring the network etc to bring it back to a fully functioning system.
I have a suspicion that the issue was caused by...
I just applied version 16. I have two D1000s. One of them , s/n 2003, is now locked at the Dynon splash screen and will not start. The second screen s/n 2124 has updated.
I have a call in to Dynon and am waiting a reply. I am wondering if it is about the earlier version?
I suggest those with...
People have been waiting so long there is very little chance it will come close to the expectations of the customer base. Not Dynons fault, just the nature of human beings.