Thanks Stewart and much appreciated for the quick response. Unfortunately, my 10" HDX displays are prior to hardware version 4. Despite the claim of displays outside the specified serial number range not being affected, I am experiencing this problem. I'll report this to support.
Curious to know if others still encounter this problem. It's almost as if SkyView has a timer. Somewhere after 10 min, my iPad will report ADS-B connection lost. I can confirm that the iPad is still connected to the SkyView WiFi adapter. Disabling and re-enabling WiFi on the iPad does appear to...
We use the following camera for confirmation of landing gear position on a Bonanza.
I have twin HDX displays, too, with adapters on both screens. I also experience intermittent disconnections. I usually leave it alone and hope that the issue resolves itself. Unfortunately, it never does. HDX still displays traffic and weather, but anything connected via WiFi loses connection.
Hi. Has anyone used SkyView and its associated engine monitor for a turbine application and/or helicopter? I'm already familiar and invested with Dynon in my plane; so, not a bakeoff inquiry. It's whether SkyView has the ability to monitor engine RPMs up to 62,000, and if it's capable of...
Provide a tape or indicator for height above ground (AGL). Great for guys that do lots of mountain flying and for guys that fly inland from sea-level airports.
Also include altitude callouts like the airliners. Avidyne makes a 500' callout, but it'd be nice if Dynon could provide 200', 100'...
Just a note of caution, it's not wise to configure dimmed settings only while on the ground. Your battery puts out ~12.8v. However, your alternator puts out ~14v while in flight. I've had to adjust and readjust my settings after multiple flights. Even then, retarding the throttle on long...
Not sure why your IFD shows a KS area. If it doesn’t receive an accurate signal, it typically reverts to Avidyne’s support facilities in MA. This is by design.
As for your Dynon radio, it also uses GPS to determine NRST airport. It’s not automatic btw. You have to set the airport ID that you...
ADS-B data are JSON files. The DRX doesn't appear to encrypt WiFi traffic (and I wouldn't bother as there's nothing private), just a simple wireless key. Anyway, you can use a laptop connected to the DRX with an HTTP JSON receiver to capture the data fields. Descriptors for ADS-B is public...
I know this isn't advertised or documented as a feature for the DRX. However, if you can automatically turn on when voltage is added, I'm hoping you can have the unit shutdown when voltage drops in a future firmware.
Perhaps you have a defective unit. My friend just purchased one and we tested it, today. We only installed the antenna and updated the firmware to 1.0.3. Upon initial test while sitting on the ground at KDWH, we could see all the aircraft flying overhead in the pattern and on departure (up to 5...
You need one of these: It'll increase your 9-pin connectors.