Skyview Wish List


Jul 10, 2019
You mean OnSpeed? See Yours truly developed the visual display, based on work I did 15 years ago on the D10A. I can see the OnSpeed function being subsumed into EFIS systems one day.
Yes, Actually, I am waiting for Ver 16 so as to avoid having to build the OnSpeed Gen 2 System myself... If Ver 16 included the ability to configure an equivilent tone schedule, I could simply use the built in capability instead of building the OnSpeed Gen 2 system.


Active Member
May 7, 2006
Yes, Actually, I am waiting for Ver 16 so as to avoid having to build the OnSpeed Gen 2 System myself... If Ver 16 included the ability to configure an equivilent tone schedule, I could simply use the built in capability instead of building the OnSpeed Gen 2 system.
Not likely. OnSpeed provides a more complex and precise AOA computation and calibration. I doubt Dynon would support this right now, because development is still underway to optimize the algorithms.



I love flying!
Feb 26, 2013
Option to view height above ground. This would help when necessary to stay in classG below other class airspace. 700ft or 1200ft


Jul 2, 2007
Camarillo, CA
As someone who teaches the APS class, and we teach people to analyse their EMS data in flight and on the ground, this would be a bad idea. My suggestion would be nothing more than 1 second for data logging, and how it is on the display is ideal.

I see you are in Camarillo, home of my good friend, and APS founder John Deakin. The Way Point Cafe was one of his favourites and the malted chocolate milkshakes there are to die for. And probably from too. So have one for me, because there is not likely to be a visit from us any time soon :-(

A one second average would be great. I cleaned all the thermocouple connections and it helped a lot to settle them down, but a one second average on the display would be great in my mind. Some of mine jump around at 2-3 hertz sometimes. I see you're point about wanting real time data when leaning, but they could keep lean mode real time.

I didn't get to know John, but we're lucky to have the Way Point Cafe. It's great, too good actually since it is packed all the time.


I love flying!
Oct 4, 2018
Give us the ability to name, enter and store our favorite, personally selected radio frequencies (i.e. Emergency-121.5, Chat-123.45, Air-Air-122.75, etc.) and save them under the Com Radio menu (adding a tab or 2nd page?), so we have the ability to push a button to download into the radio without having to use the radio tuning knobs?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gods Country - west Texas
Give us the ability to name, enter and store our favorite, personally selected radio frequencies (i.e. Emergency-121.5, Chat-123.45, Air-Air-122.75, etc.) and save them under the Com Radio menu (adding a tab or 2nd page?), so we have the ability to push a button to download into the radio without having to use the radio tuning knobs?
Seems to me that you are using at least as much time that way as manually entering the frequency - and if it's a "favorite" frequency then memory of the frequency number is not the issue.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gods Country - west Texas
It should be pointed out that 123.45 MHz (aka "Fingers") is not a "chat" frequency. It is officially designated for use in aircraft flight testing and transoceanic communications. But because of the increasingly congested 122.75 MHz Air-to-Air frequency, more and more pilots are using "Fingers" illegally.

Using 123.45 MHz over the United States or its coastal waters could potentially lead to a $10,000 fine. Since the FCC designated this frequency to be used solely for test flight communications, any other use constitutes an illegal transmission, and pilots transmitting illegally could be fined up to $10,000 for each transmission or taken to small claims court for damages caused by interfering with the data transmission during a test flight.

Legally, for air-to-air communications between private, fixed-wing aircraft, there is just one authorized frequency: 122.75 MHz. For general aviation helicopters: 123.025 MHz. Gliders and hot air balloons share 123.3 and 123.5 MHz.

BTW, for folks using 122.75 MHz in a practice area, others don't need to know every maneuver you plan on practicing. That takes up valuable bandwidth. Just let us know you're there and at what altitudes.

A few years ago I wrote both the AOPA and the EAA requesting them to lobby the FCC and the FAA for more Air-to-Air frequencies. I received a nice reply from AOPA but nothing from the EAA. More pilots need to lobby for additional Air-to-Air frequencies.
Not disputing your assertion of illegality - but I would ask the question if ANY pilot EVER has been prosecuted for that silliness.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2011
Eastern Iowa
Seems to me that you are using at least as much time that way as manually entering the frequency - and if it's a "favorite" frequency then memory of the frequency number is not the issue.
My experience with a number of older radios with memory function is that it is faster to use a memory function than to manually enter the frequency. In addition, it keeps my old fingers from messing up the manual entry and thereby taking even more time. I used the memory function regularly and would even if the radios had the same ability to load frequencies by airport as the Dynon has.
This is a case where those who don't care to use the function could ignore it and those of us who do like the function can employ it. I vote for this recommendation.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gods Country - west Texas
This is a case where those who don't care to use the function could ignore it and those of us who do like the function can employ it. I vote for this recommendation.
True enough - but you're also asking Dynon to develop a function for a small percentage of the market. They have to decide if the business case makes sense to dedicate the engineering and software labor hours to that function instead of something else that may have more value to the company. There are literally hundreds of items on the wish list, and available resources exist for only a dozen or so of the top hitters.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2011
Eastern Iowa
Yes, I am asking Dynon to address a specific need I have. It is one that will influence what equipment I buy.
Who is anyone of us to start filtering what we should ask Dynon to do? Other users such as the military may or may not have other uses for radio memory so that my wish adds to desires we are not privy to.
If someone has a wish that can be fulfilled in another way, it is of course a help to suggest other ways to meet that expressed need, and we have seen members suggest that, to our mutual benefit.
Suggesting that because any of us doesn't see a need for an item is a reason for someone else to not suggest it stifles imagination and expression of features and functions we'd find useful.
I have every confidence that Dynon will evaluate each suggestion on it's merits as Dynon perceives it and act accordingly. I appreciate feeling free to make a suggestion without the concern that my peers can veto it either explicitly or implicitly, such as by creating an atmosphere where I'd feel shamed or denigrated for even bringing it up. I think suggestion declination or acceptance is Dynon's job.
I've been involved in corporate brainstorming sessions where one of the guidelines is to specifically not argue against any suggestion at the first round, to let everyone feel free to make any suggestion. In later reviews each suggestion is forwarded or dropped based on further review of it's merits.


Sep 21, 2007
Peoria, AZ
I suspect the only changes we are going to see are charnges done on the certified side that can be rolled over to the exerimental HDX side. May not make it to Skyview Classic side. Hopefully, Dynon will prove my theory wrong.


I love TopMeteo
Apr 4, 2016
1. the whole planet outside of US wants to see METERS for runway length. Make it configurable.
2. and tapping on an airfield please show this information (either both or instead of TP altitude)
3. want to see traffic on approach plates (or generally on georef. charts). At least in europe it is not working.
4. want to store my own 5 or 10 frequencies not in the general database
5. Distiguish between airspace class (A,B,D...) and type (CTR, not CTR.....) and allow for more airspaces in the config file.
6. AOA indicator is too small and also not moveable (to a reasonable location)
7. after downloading of a flight plan, please activate the first leg automatically.

otherwise a really great system. Love it. Thanks, Dynon
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I love flying!
Aug 27, 2017
My wish-list for HDX is probably little different from others but... I would love to see a full parametric export / transmission through the Ethernet port in a documented format like it does for RS-232. While RS-232 gives me much of what I need but the baud rate limitation of 4 frames per second really is limiting when I am trying to drive an external graphical display. Having the same data exposed (with addition of ADS-B traffic) would really open up the possibility with high bandwidth data stream. Since the dataset already exists, internally and presumably being transmitted already, it seems like a minimally invasive addition to the existing functionality.


I love flying!
Sep 29, 2013
Yes, I am asking Dynon to address a specific need I have. It is one that will influence what equipment I buy.
Who is anyone of us to start filtering what we should ask Dynon to do? Other users such as the military may or may not have other uses for radio memory so that my wish adds to desires we are not privy to.
As for memory stored frequencies, King and Narco used to get good money for that feature. I had my Narco MK12D upgraded. Made big difference opperating to several airports under a Class B, esp with parallel runway airports often having two runway freqs.


Jul 9, 2019
Houston Area
Provide a tape or indicator for height above ground (AGL). Great for guys that do lots of mountain flying and for guys that fly inland from sea-level airports.

Also include altitude callouts like the airliners. Avidyne makes a 500' callout, but it'd be nice if Dynon could provide 200', 100', 50-0' callouts. Great feature for instrument landings, visual illusions (snow landings) and night landings when eyes are outside and helping to arrest the descent rate.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
Not disputing your assertion of illegality - but I would ask the question if ANY pilot EVER has been prosecuted for that silliness.
That is irrelevant.

Remember, "Nothing happens, until something happens". So proceed at your own risk but don't complain when "something happens".

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New Member
Feb 6, 2021
Grass Valley, CA
Since this appears to be the ongoing wish list thread, I'll add mine here. I'd like to see Dynon support (for my Classic) a map size of 60%. I'd like to be able to turn off the 20% EMS screen in the PFD-EMS-MAP 40-20-40 screen and have the map expand to 60%, leaving the PFD at 40%. It's the only PFD screen size the map doesn't also support according to pg. 3-9 of the Rev AC User's Guide. Rats.


I love flying!
Dec 10, 2013
  • Programmable altitudes on flight plan
  • Glide ring that accounts for terrain (like the AFS glide ring does)
  • More/better support for remote equipment (radios, audio panels)
  • A budget audio panel in the current intercom form factor (basically, add Bluetooth phone/music support and better dual Com radio support).
  • An all-in-one Mode-C/978 Out transponder, as an alternative to Mode S/1090ES.
  • Integrated OnSpeed functionality